The One With The Ending

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Author's POV

They said that life is a balance of holding on and letting go.

But how will you know how long do you have to hold on before you let go?


Jisoo sat by Taehyung's bedside, staring at the nasal cannula on his nose, which supports him in breathing.

She sighed, wiped her tears away, and smiled brightly as she began sharing Tae about her day.

Jisoo: Hi, Tae. You won't believe what happened today. So, the classes has officially started and I am doing well in the council. All the hyungs are doing good in abroad so far. They are always checking on you by the way.

She fixed his hair and whispered.

I miss you.

Then kissed his cheeks. She was interrupted when someone knocked on the door. When she opened it, it was Jimin and Chae.

Jimin: Hi, buddy. How are you? I miss you.

Chae: Hey, V. I brought pizza and pasta today. It may not be your favorite but it is mine, so... Let's eat!

Chae set the food on the table and got one slice of pizza.

Lisa: Ya! You'll start eating without us?

Lisa shrieked when she opened the door and found them eating. Lisa and JK came in the hospital room together. Day by day, their closeness is getting back.

JK: Are you still hungry? We just ate!

Lisa: Shhhhh. Quiet!

Jennie entered the room a few minutes later, holding two coffees.

She handed Jisoo one coffee and sipped the other.

Jennie: Still no response huh?

Jisoo nodded and smiled weakly.

2 months has passed and he's still comatose. Ever since, all of them stay at his hospital room after classes. The hyungs always make video calls to be with them. They converse with each other there, keeping V up to date what's going on around him. They believe that he might be unconscious, but he can still hear things. So maybe it can help.

Months turned into a year and he's still in a comatose.

It is hard for Jisoo, but that doesn't mean she will stop. There might be hard days and nights they spend apart, but there is one thing that makes them together. It is their hearts.

So she doesn't mind waiting for him no matter how long it takes. She doesn't mind the restless nights. She won't lose hope that someday, he will wake up again.

College life, on the other hand, is waving at her.

Jisoo has been approached by the University of Oxford regarding her application, but she's not yet responding.

Chae: Unnie, you have to start packing your bags. Oxford will not wait on you forever.

Jisoo: Maybe I don't wanna be in Oxford anymore.

Lisa: We know that's your dream school. Please unnie, think about it.

Jisoo stared at V and combed his hair.

Jisoo: I won't leave him. He will wake up. I know he will.

Jennie: Unnie, listen. I know it's very hard for you right now to decide. But you know that V won't be happy when he knew about this.

Jimin: Jennie's right, Jisoo. Pursuing your dreams doesn't mean you're abandoning him. You can check on him anytime you want.

JK: That's true. I am not going anywhere. I will stay here with him everyday so you won't worry.

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