The One On Her Birthday

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December 31.

Jin: Waaaaahhhh! Jisooyaaahhh!!! V!!!! Wake up, wake up!!!! University of Oxford emailed me and guess what? I am in!!!

Jisoo and I were awaken by Jin-hyung's shout. We both didn't realize that we dozed off here in their garden after stargazing. After my birthday celebration yesterday, I went at their house again to stargaze and end my birthday with her. :)

Jisoo: Waaaahhhh I am so happy for you, Oppa!

Jisoo said and hugged him.

V: Congratulations, hyung!

I also greeted and hugged him.

Jin: Thank you, Jisoo and V. Wait, I'm gonna call mom and dad.

He said and danced before running away. I laughed at him. He's so naturally funny.

When he left, I looked beside me and saw Jisoo thinking so deep

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When he left, I looked beside me and saw Jisoo thinking so deep. I decided to poke her.

V: Hey, you're spacing out.. What's bothering you?

Jisoo: I'm just gonna miss Jin-oppa...

She released a sigh.

Jisoo: It's just in a few months, I will be left alone in this house. But you know, I am happy for him. Aside the fact that he'll be near Irene-unnie, I'm sure eomma and appa will be very proud of him. University of Oxford in United Kingdom has been our dream school because it is where our ancestors graduated. I'm a bit pressured too if I can enter Oxford University like him.

V: Well of course you can! With your grades and extra-curricular activities, I'm confident that all schools would be happy to have you. It's a shame if they'll fail to see that!

Jisoo: Hahaha yaaaahhh stop making me overrated! But thank you for that. Hmm how about you, where are you planning to study for College?

V: Somewhere in the US. I'm planning in Harvard. That's my dream school.

Jisoo: So I guess after our graduation we have to separate our ways?

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Jisoo: So I guess after our graduation we have to separate our ways?

V: Yaaah don't be sad. We have more time left. Let's seize it and build many memories together before that day comes. What we have is real that no distance nor any circumstance can make it go away. Besides, I'm confident we will find each other again.. like we always do.

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