CH 1 P2

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‘Good,’ thought Gerent. ‘If he comes here I’ll ask him where I am and if he has seen Mum or Hugh.’ Gerent sat waiting for the man to reach him, as he sat a strong feeling of loneliness came over him, Hugh, who always knew what to do, was not there. He couldn’t feel Hugh’s presence.  Normally he could always sense Hugh’s whereabouts by instinct, but it was almost as if he didn’t exist. Gerent didn’t like this, everything was wrong. Even this man he was waiting for wasn’t dressed like anyone normal was. Gerent could make out that he wore a tunic top of a rough material, which might once have been red. This was tied around his middle with string. There was a broad brimmed shabby hat and sort of leggings, not exactly trousers, and they appeared to be made of hessian. The man had tethered the two horses to a post set in a gateway of the wall that circled the foot of the hill and was now ascending the hillside towards Gerent. Gerent stared, waiting. A bad feeling, worse than the loneliness was creeping over him, the man puffed into view onto the summit.

‘Sorry I be late, young master. I don’t know as what kept me, but I’s here now. I do have to introduce myself, I be-’

‘Wampa.’ Gerent’s voice was quiet with amazement. He felt the person was somehow familiar and yet was not.

‘Well now if that don’t beat all, how do you know that there then? But the master said as how you’d know such things. Said you’d be knowing all sorts, he did. I am come to bring you to his castle.’

Understanding Wampa’s words through the thick country accent was made harder by his heavy breathing as he recovered from the steep climb he had just completed. He stared at Gerent with an expression of wonder mixed with amazement and he seemed taken with Gerent’s jeans. Gerent felt that he had heard those very words before, and he reminded himself he had known this man’s name.

‘What castle?’ asked Gerent, starting out of his reverie. ‘Where?’

‘Over there.’ Wampa pointed away to the southerly range of distant blue hills and close to the coast. Gerent could make out the turrets of a large building in the distance. ‘I am your guide; master says you are to come with me through’-’

‘The land of Evells to the Castle of Netherzoyland,’ Gerent said staring at the far off almost mirage like castle walls. It was like some PSP game he’d played or something. That was it! It was the Carack game that he had watched Hugh play and win in the gaming competition. It was the same start point, the same guide, the same names and the same scenario. Gerent knew now that he was dreaming, it had to be a result of that car driving straight at Hugh.

‘Yes, that’ll be of it and there’ll be a brare few hazards along the way I expect.’

‘Hmm,’ said Gerent. He was trying in desperation to recall what happened next. ‘Then your master is Madron isn’t he?

‘Yes,’ replied Wampa. ‘That’s of him. Know him do you?’

‘No, no I have never met him, but I have heard of him of course.’

‘That’s funny because he did seem to know you right enough. He acted like he knew you personally. Said something like as how he would be ready for you this time. Some do I bets he puts on a good spread for you when you arrive. Right looking forward to it he be. Now, I don’t like the make of they there clouds a forming down along.’ Wampa pointed at the sky behind Gerent. ‘They be bringing more than a drop o’ rain in a bit I suspect. We best be making a move now master Hugh.’

Gerent jerked his head up to look at Wampa.

‘Pardon?’ he said. ‘What did you call me?’

‘No offence master, no offence, didn’t mean to be so personal. Didn’t mean to offend you, don’t you be turning us into no toad nor nothing over it.’ Wampa looked sorry and anxious. He backed away a few steps from Gerent, who had risen to his feet.

‘What did you call me?’ repeated Gerent. Wampa looked down at the ground.

‘I called you Master Hugh, that’s your name ain’t it? Leastways that’s what master Madron said. And you are here on Hugh’s knoll like what it says in the stories us alays told our kids and that. But I shan’t call you master Hugh no more if you don’t like it,’ Wampa said in a nervous voice. ‘Call you what ever you wish master, I will.’

‘No, no, it’s of no matter. Master Hugh is fine. I didn’t hear you right the first time, that’s all,’ said Gerent, who was puzzled but used to being mistaken for Hugh. ‘Well lead on Wampa, let the fun begin.’ Gerent waved his hand toward the horses at the foot of the hill. Wampa turned, with a look a relief, to lead the way in the descent down toward the horses waiting below.

‘This has got to be the best dream ever,’ thought Gerent as he followed Wampa, easing his aching limbs as he walked. ‘Wait until I tell Hugh about being in one of his games.’

Gerent studied the landscape around him as he descended the hill. ‘I must remember all this to tell Hugh, he’ll have a laugh! Even the PSP graphics weren’t as detailed as this. Fancy my dreaming being part of a game!’ he muttered to himself.

At the foot of the hill the two brown horses were pulling at the grass as they waited; tethered by their reins to a worn wooden gatepost in the gap in the dry stone wall. It might once have had a gate in it, but that had gone long ago leaving two very rusty hinges. Wampa untied both horses and handed one set of reins to Gerent. Gerent stood looking at them and the horse in a bemused manner. Wampa stopped in his attempt to mount his horse and looked at Gerent who gave him a sheepish grin.

‘Oh, err, I- I’ve never ridden before, any tips?’ 

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