Carack Ch4 revised and complete

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Chapter 4    Trust

Gerent ran as far down as the huge gates, which were closed sealing the entrance of the town, as usual, at that time of night. He looked around thinking that there was nowhere else for him to go but back up the street; then to his left he noticed a narrow alleyway, which contained a flight of steps. Peering up them in the dark Gerent realised that they went straight up toward the castle, instead of circling the hill as the street did. Gerent decided to climb up that way and wearily started his return back up to the castle. His venture into the town had not turned out quite as he had expected. The stone steps were walled in by tall buildings and only had a few shallow doorways opening onto it, once on the steps there were only two ways to go, up or down, until a street intersection was reached. Half way up the flight, after crossing the street at the second intersection, he heard voices and footsteps of two men, who started to climb up the steps behind him, Gerent recognised from their voices that it was actually N’zar and Camomile, who seemed to be lecturing N’zar. Gerent decided he didn’t want the two men to see him at this point in time, he wanted to avoid any more confrontation and wishing he were invisible he tried to shrink into the darkness of a shallow doorway, hoping they would pass him unnoticed. He was not too hopeful as the doorway did not offer much room to hide being a mere ledge and he was fully prepared to step forward when spotted. The two men climbed closer and he could hear Camomile’s words and N’zar’s responses.

‘You shouldn’t have gone off at him like that, even if he isn’t under Madron’s power where else can he go? Of course he’ll tell Madron and there you are, right where your brother was, why couldn’t you keep your temper?’

‘It was just, oh I dost not know, it seemed I wast beginning to believe I could trust him and then didst he commence upon N’zim. Marry, what else couldst methink, when he pretended N’zim ist not dead? None ever knew, not even Madron, but we took his body from the cursed tree and buried him in a seemly manner, that wast over three months past. It must be some scheme of Lord Madron’s to get Lord Hugh to plague me about him to try and trick me, as wast done to my lost brother. Telling me he hadst met him, it didst make my blood boil and I couldst not help mine actions.’

Gerent went rigid with shock; N’zar was saying the man he had met, the man he had talked to, the man who had helped him in the flood had been dead three months before. But, Gerent thought to himself, he had seen N’zim, Wampa had seen him, everyone in the inn must have seen him, he had witnesses.

‘Our positions are lost, Lord Madron will never trust us again now, even if you did find who was behind your brother’s demise. I suggest we leave while we can, we could hide until the gates are unlocked in the morning and go then, it may be that the alarm will not have been raised as Lord Hugh would probably not have arisen by then,’ said Camomile.

‘No, I am no coward and neither art thee, what if he hast already given his account of this evening? No, tis best if we report back now and take what comes. To run wouldst bring the Lord Madron’s wrath down upon our families and friends, who willst be made to suffer until they betray us and I wouldst not want that upon my conscience, nor, I knoweth wouldst thee.’ replied N’zar. The two men, heads bowed, carried on up the narrow steps, as they drew closer Gerent willed them not to see him. The two soldier knights passed so close to Gerent as he stood with his back pressed against the wooden door that Cam almost brushed across Gerent’s chest with his arm, but the two did not even notice him. Once they had passed him, slowly toiling upwards and he could see their backs Gerent heaved a sigh of relief and then quietly fell into step behind them, to listen and follow them up the steps.

‘If it be so that I am taken as traitor promise me, for mine own sake, thou wilt escort my mother, my sister and Agatha from this place, if it is within thy power.’ N’zar said in a low voice.

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