Carack Ch9 p3

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Gerent was glad that Sancret’s desire to meet M’zera meant that they had to return downstairs without her entering the room, he couldn’t explain why he disliked her but he felt she was not to be trusted at all even though Cam obviously had a very strong affection for her and she was N’zar sister.

In the living room, Gerent sent Umberstan to tell Sancret that M’zera had been found. When Sancret entered, she curtsied low and keeping her head down she quietly thanked him for rescuing her, she clung to Cam the whole while as if timid. Gerent noticed that she seemed to shrink away from Sancret and, though he would not have remarked on it before, he now wondered if it had anything to do with Sancret’s ability to detect falsehood with just a touch as Gerent had seen him do with the Lady Gytha earlier. He determined to speak to Sancret about M’zera as soon as he could get him alone. Gerent also noticed that for a poor woman, she wore a very large, ugly and expensive looking ring, with a huge red stone set in it, on her left hand,. It seemed familiar to him but he could not think how.

The feast was set out in a large banqueting hall and all Lady Gytha’s people were present, Gerent sat next to Meendhu and he noticed that Lady Gytha sat on one side of Sancret, with M’zera on the other and a scowling Cam was placed at the far end of the table, with a jovial Wampa alongside. Gerent noticed several dark glances from Cam toward Sancret As the mage leant towards her and laughed at what she said. It seemed that the Mage was enjoying M’zera’s company. Gerent wondered how the brownies would serve the meal without revealing that they were a magical people. After all the guests were seated the doors were flung open and a parade of servants dressed in black with a gold crest on their fronts, filed in, placing the opening course before the diners by hand. As full sized Brunstan served his meal  he gave Gerent a conspiratorial wink and said:

‘Like the new uniforms then do you or are you just catching flies Lordling?’ Gerent closed his mouth and grinned

‘Very smart.’ He replied with a short laugh and then he had to look down at his soup to stifle the well of laughter he felt growing inside him at the incongruous look of the fey folk.

The evening seemed to pass off well, with many toasts being drunk between the new arrivals and their hosts, N’zar taking the lead in responding on behalf of all from the castle. All through the meal Sancret almost ignored Lady Gytha and everyone else. He spent most of the evening looking at or talking and laughing with M’zera. Gerent was glad when the feast was over and everyone returned to their caravans. Sancret lifted M’Zeras hand to his lips as a goodnight jesture as he escorted her to her bedroom door. A scowling Cam and an intrigued Gerent close behind them.

The next morning Gerent went to the observation room at the top of the tower and waited to see Sancret, whom he was sure would resume his studies, but Sancret did not arrive. After an hour of waiting, looking at the contents of the room Gerent decided to go and find him.When he had looked in all the most likely places and still could not find him Gerent decided to call for Umberstan to find out if he knew where Sancret was. Umberstan appeared in his normal size and informed Gerent that Sancret had taken M’zera out riding. This surprised Gerent, as he had never heard of Sancret going riding. It was also clear that Umberstan was concerned about something and Gerent asked what was wrong.

‘Oh Lordling, all we brownie are concerned. The mage is – is not himself. And – and now he we can  sense Mage Sancret was very close to the castle estate boundaries. Closer than he has ever been beforesince he undertook being our mage. We tremble lordling, it is not good, what if he were to be taken beyond Widnbrea.’

‘Well what if he is?’

‘The castle would crumble, he would die, we would die. It is all part of the magic. He cannot leave.’

Umberstan disappeared. Gerent taking a sense of alarm from the brownie ran out onto the castle walls to look for the pair and found that Meendhu, N’zar and Cam were there doing the same. Each of them was concerned about Sancret and M’zera out riding together and each for their own different reasons. Gerent looked in the direction that they were all gazing and could see the two riders in the distance. It appeared that they were now heading back toward the castlefrom near the eastern boundary. The two riders were close together and as they lessened the distance between themselves and the watcher s in the castle it was clear that the two were happy together, enjoying the ride. The scowls on the faces of Cam and N’zar and the concern on Meendhu’s face showed that they were not so happy with the situation.

As soon as Sancret and M’zera’s had dismounted in the courtyard N’zar and Cam went down and hustled M’zera indoors. Sancret seemed a little surprised at this reception but was distracted by Gerent.

I need to speak to you, it’s urgent.’ He said. ‘Can we go up to the observation room?’

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