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A rapturous week went by for Gerent spent in Morvah’s company, eating together, picnicking, hawking, hunting, riding, talking and reading in the library. Not once did he think about how he had got there or realise that the serious discussion, promised by Madron, had never taken place. Gerent gave no thought to his home, his brother or how to return there. His obsession with Morvah was complete and he could not consider being away from her or not seeing her for a day. Dreams of her filled his head and her perfume pervaded his senses. Under Morvah’s tender guidance, Gerent learnt much more about the town he was in, the way of life there and the people of office around Madron. He began to understand from what Morvah said that he was to become one of Madron’s advisors and, as Morvah praised his abilities to him daily, he began to feel he was not only worthy of such a position but deserved it as well. In discussion with Morvah on this topic one day, Gerent, who did not want to let himself down in Morvah’s eyes when he took office, said he did not really know much about the people in the town and felt that he should know more before he could become one of Madron’s advisors. Morvah repeated this at the evening meal, singing Gerent’s praises to her father for being so wise and it was arranged that Gerent would go into the town the next evening with the captain of the castle guard to one of the inns. There he could meet the people in a relaxed atmosphere and hear what they were saying about Lord Madron and report back if it were at all detrimental to him. Gerent said, and felt, this would hardly be the case with such a kind and generous ruler as Madron, who had such a wonderful daughter as Morvah.

The next evening Gerent dressed to go out, putting the hauberk under a plain tunic at Morvah’s insistence, in case there was trouble, she had told him, as parts of the town could still be unsafe late at night, despite her father’s best efforts. Morvah walked arm and arm with him down the stairs and presented him to the two members of the castle guards who awaited them at the foot of the stairs.

‘My Lord Hugh, this is N’zar, knight and captain of the castle guard and this is Camomile his second in command.’ Both men bowed and Morvah continued, ‘Gentleman you are to escort my Lord into the town and ensure his safety, I hold you personally responsible for his safe return.’ Once again, both men bowed but said nothing. Morvah turned to Gerent, pecked him on the cheek and whispered:

‘I will see you in the morning, have a good evening, take care and come back to me safely.’ Gerent almost said he wouldn’t go but felt that as people had made the effort to arrange this for him he should. Looking at Morvah, plucking up courage to kiss her in return he noticed that her eyes did not seem quite so blue this evening and that there was a small sort of wart on the side of her nose. He found her perfume strangely heavy and sickly, so he decided to just lift her good hand and kiss her fingers in farewell, a slight shiver took him at the thought of touching the withered arm. Then he followed the two men out of the castle, wondering how he had not noticed Morvah’s blemishes before. Soon he shrugged this off as he stepped out into the street with the two silent guards. They tramped down the cobbled road and Gerent looked around as they went, no one spoke a word until the two men halted outside a weather beaten door, which had once been painted green, but now had only faded flakes of that colour left.

N’zar reached forward and opened the door.

‘This is the inn my Lord Madron suggested we go to, wilt thou enter my Lord?’ He gesticulated to the open doorway and Gerent nodded and stepped in. It took a minute for his eyes to adjust to the dark room but he could hear the hum of conversation and saw it had several men seated around the room, drinking.

‘We hast a table here my Lord, wouldst thou care to sit?’ asked N’zar coldly. Gerent sat with his back against the wall and the two men sat on either side of him.

‘What’s this placed called?’ He asked.

‘The Balance Inn,’ N’zar snapped.

‘Hmm, this is going to be a fun evening,’ Gerent muttered regretting that he had left the castle and Morvah’s company. ‘Shall we have a drink?’

‘Certainly m’ Lord, what wouldst have?’ asked Camomile standing up, Gerent noticed he was very tall, having to bend to avoid his head hitting the beams, with light brown hair and lanky limbs, which seemed to hang from his body. Gerent liked the look of his clean-shaven open honest face with its qestioning light blue eyes. Gerent asked for apple juice and Camomile went to get the drink. Gerent and N’zar sat in silence staring at each other; N’zar was stocky, thick set and strong looking with dark skin and black, close-cropped hair. His eyes were dark brown, the whites were bright and clear, Gerent though he looked as if he had a bullish temper. When Camomile returned he placed the single goblet he carried down on the table in front of Gerent.

Gerent looked up, ‘Aren’t you having any?’

‘No, my liege, we are on duty,’ said N’zar, not even bothering to look at Gerent, Camomile smiled and shrugged his shoulders as he sat down.  

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