Carack Ch8 p4

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‘Well I’m glad that’s settled.’ Said Sancret, ‘and now there is another point to settle I believe, N’zar you doubt that Gerent saw N’zim as he told you, do you not?’ N’zar nodded, Sancret turned to Wampa, ‘Did you see N’zim in the ‘Falcon’s Wing’ the day it rained when you met Gerent?’

‘’Ow could I see ‘him? He be dead and burrid long since, beg pardon Master ‘zar.’ replied Wampa, ‘’I didn’ see no one except Master Hugh, ‘Eee sat on ‘is own by the fire.’

‘But-’ Gerent began and Sancret raised a hand to stop him.

‘I know Gerent, I know you saw him, Meendhu has seen him also and spoken with him. Gerent saw N’zim’s ghost N’zar. N’zim is trying to help complete in death what he did not complete in life, that is rid us of Madron. Believe me, Gerent has not deceived you on this.’ Meendhu had nodded as N’zar had looked at him when his name was mentioned, now N’zar looked pale and shocked.

‘N’zim will pass onward once he can see that all is well, don’t worry, his soul is not lost because of the way he was killed. Now back to Madron.’ said Sancret.

‘Thou sayest that Madron is scrying for me, if that is so wouldst it not be wise for me to leave this place and draw off his gaze?’ asked N’zar, who was obviously still reeling from being told about his brother, ‘It would not benefit our cause if thou were to be besieged.’

‘I am sure Madron has me in his sights anyway N’zar and would allow you, who, forgive me, are only one man who was just a thorn, to escape him for now if he can take a bigger prize, this castle. No, we must think deeply before we decide on when and who, if anyone, leaves. What does concern me is your mother and sister, N’zar, I feel, wether you are here or not Madron may use them as bargaining hostages. I would not like to have them used against us and I fear for them, I feel it is time to bring them here.’

‘If I know my mother she will sensed something was wrong when I disappeared and will have packed up what she could to go to my Aunt’s house. By coincidence she lives not to far away in the hamlet of Gulver’s ford. ‘Twill be a difficult to go and fetch them with Madron looking for us. By the time we get there he may work out where we are going and reach there ahead of us.’ said N’zar.

‘I was not thinking of sending anyone to fetch them. I will transpose them here. I think I’m getting rather good at that now, I knew the skill would come in useful, though at this rate I will not have any furniture left!’ said Sancret laughing.

‘Are you strong enough mage?’ asked a concerned Umberstan, ‘you pushed yourself rescuing the lordling. If there is a greater foe to be faced you need to be as strong as possible.’

‘That strength would serve me little, friend Umberstan, if I were faced with the choice of watching someone dear being killed or tortured if I did not give up. I could not take someone being hurt for me. That is why I feel they should be brought here.’ Sancret said courteously to the Brownie.

‘But you should never give in no matter what hostage they had,’ said Gerent, ‘you are far too important and beside haven’t you powers enough to defeat anything?’

‘Your faith is great Ger,’ Sancret laughed,  ‘I do not have powers enough for that yet, remember, as Warlocks go I also am young, my powers not fully formed or tested. But I do know that I am not the heart of this castle, I am not that important. If I fall the castle will return to the mists and when a new Warlock is ready, and there will be one, the castle will return and be his. If we have not defeated Madron the battle will begin again, but it will be so much harder than if we can defeat him now, before he has grown too powerful for us. We must make the most of every advantage and I believe bringing N’zar’s family here would be beneficial to us. N’zar?’

‘I agree with thee Mage Sancret, we should bring M’zera and my mother here, but we need not use much magic to do this. A brownie would not be subject to Madron’s scrying.’ N’zar considered carefully and turned to the Brownie, ‘Would one of you brownies be prepared to go and guide my mother and sister here?’

Umberstan nodded gravely, ‘of course, although we do not like to go far from the castle. Gulver’s ford is only a two days’ ride away.’

‘Then friend Umberstand I beg that you will equip one of your company to set out as soon as possible. Sancret said to the Brownie who rose, bowed and disappeared, ‘N’zar you should write a letter to your family so that they will come with the brownie without question. The last thing we need is them being frightened away.’ N’zar rose to make a start on the letter and everyone else also got up from the table.

It was not long before the group was standing on the castle walls watching a brownie disappearing in the distance heading towards Culver’s ford. N’zar turned to Sancret, ‘Now mage we must make plans for the defense of this castle as we can surely expect Madron will send forces and even magic to attack us here.’ Sancret nodded in agreement, his face sad and serious. ‘What do you advise N’zar,’ he said, ‘I am not as familiar with preparations for war as other members of my family are.’ 

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