Carack CH5 P5

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‘Well I get around ya know and I heard about it from N’zim.’

‘N’zim! But he’s dead isn’t he, I mean I know I saw him and all but N’zar said he was dead.’

The bear gave a slow shake of his head.

‘Yes, poor N’zim, he is dead. Good man, would have been a great leader, very wise. Trouble is ya see, he was falsely accused and then murdered without a chance to prove his innocence because he found out what Madron was up to and wouldn’t succumb to his influence charm. So his spirit is sort of staying around until the situation is resolved.’

‘Hang on, hang on a minute. Are you saying I spoke with a ghost?’ asked Gerent horrified.

‘Yep, that about sums him up! He didn’t half laugh when he told me ya were not Hugh, knew Madron wouldn’t have prepared for that.’

‘You speak with ghosts?’

‘Only N’zim, ya see he stays connected in death to those he was connected to in life, if they are open minded. Mind ya he hardly realises he’s dead himself yet. He can’t get through to his brother though. No, to N’zar he is dead and buried. Ya’d never believe they were brothers. But at least N’zar has realised Madron isn’t the beneficent person he persuades everyone he is.’

Meendhu got up and began to clear the table, taking the plates to a sink in the corner and Gerent drained his coffee.

‘All right then, who is Sancret? Wampa mentioned the name but I don’t know who or what he is.’

‘Sancret is Sancret, there’s no other like him. He’s a human, of course, but more than that he is a Warlock of great power, he’ll help ya fulfil the prophecy.’

‘Ok,’ said Gerent picking up a tea towel and beginning to wipe dishes. ‘What is this prophecy that everyone is on about me fulfilling?’

‘Haven’t ya heard that yet, well, not surprising I suppose, Madron would have wanted to keep it quiet from ya. It goes like this –

‘When a Gamer has a winning hand,

On St Agnes’ Eve will he reach Hugh’s knoll,

And from darkness this knight shall save the land,

By an act of kindness and selflessness of soul.’

And ya see ya came to Hugh’s knoll on St Agnes’ eve, the beginning of the last quarter of summer. So it was natural to assume that ya were the knight Hugh. If Madron could get ya to be under his power then his own would be increased. Even now, he has got the High King under his influence. The king is challenging the Lords on the Eastern borders, so civil war is imminent. The king will no longer listen to Sancret and so ya are our one hope.’

‘Well I’d like to help and all, but I’d also like to go home, I don’t even know how I got here.’

‘Can’t help ya there, don’t know how ya got here. Perhaps Sancret could help, we’ll be on our way as soon as ya like. Don’t want to stay around here now any more than we have to. Madron’s men will be searching the area fer ya.’

‘How did you and this Sancret know I’d be here and what size I’d be?’ asked Gerent spreading his arms to show the clean shirt he was wearing.

‘It’s the well, Sancret sees things in the well. Ya’ll see what I mean when we get there. Here’s a cape fer ya, I’ve filled the water bottles and packed us some food so we are ready to go and get the pony. Ya ready fer the off?’ Meendhu had emptied the sink, dried his paws and picked up a saddlebag from the floor. Gerent followed him outside and found a grey pony tethered to the cabin that was saddled and loaded with several small bundles. The cabin was was set in a clearing among the trees.

‘My arm, it was broken, wounded and now it’s better and my feet were really sore yesterday, how did I recover overnight like that?’ Gerent asked as Meendhu adjusted the saddle of the pony.

‘Sancreth’s salve, don’t know what’s in it but it’s magic all right, put it on ya last night, now mount up,’ replied Meendhu strapping on the bag he carried. ‘Ya ride, I’ll keep up on my paws, I can still move like a bear,’ he laughed. Once Gerent had settled in the saddle Meendhu untied the pony, then dropped on all fours and lolloped off into the woods. Gerent spurred the pony to follow and they went along the top of the western edge of the ridge of hills, away from the sea and Netherzoyland. 

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