Chapter 17 complete

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Chapter 17 Hugh

The next day the Brownies kept Sancret in his room to rest, though the salve had healed and removed all traces of the wounds caused by the wave creatures, he was still tired. In the afternoon they allowed Gerent to visit, Sancret was sat up in bed as he entered and Gerent could see bruise marks on his neck where Madron had gripped him. Sancret noticed Gerent’s glance and self-consciously touched the bruising.

‘Umberstan says they still show because the hands that made the marks were steeped in dark thoughts, but they should go in a couple of days. How are you?’

‘I’m fine, I can’t believe what happened and that he’s gone. What happened at the well, I mean why did he just go to dust like that?’ Gerent sat on the edge of the bed.

‘That’s the nature of the well water, I can’t really explain it, it is part of the castle, something the Warlock who built this place wove into its fabric. When I first came I found that the water dried anything that touched it by trying to water some plants using well water, I was glad I hadn’t put my hand in I can tell you!’

‘I thought you had had it you know, taking off the hauberk and Madron strangling you and pushing you in the well, you were amazing using that transposition spell!’

Sancret smiled, ‘Thank you, I don’t know, it just came to me as I was thinking this is the end. But you, you certainly used your powers well, I couldn’t have saved you from that drop!’

‘Just like you it came to me as I thought all was over!’ Gerent laughed, ‘I wonder how Euny, N’zar and everyone are getting on?’

‘I hope they have been successful, I shall go and look as soon as I’m allowed out of here.’ Sancret laughed as Umberstan appeared, folded his arms and with a firm look, said:

‘That’s enough for now Lordling, the Mage needs rest, he will be up in the morning.’ Gerent got up, went to the door.

‘I’ll see you in the morning then.’ He said and went downstairs to find M’zera.

Sancret joined M’zera and Gerent for breakfast and asked if they would like to look in the well with him, to which they both agreed and followed him into the observation room in the tower. Sancret leaned over the well and after the ripples ran inward the surface quivered to show a damp and rainy scene. They could make out Euny riding in front leading a column of sorry looking men; all of them looked wet through and had their heads down as they trudged on across a field.

‘Where is my brother and Xavier?’ asked M’zera scanning the image intently.

‘Who?’ asked Gerent.

‘Xavier, you call him by that ridiculous name the knights use, Cam.’

‘Oh Cam, I never knew that was his name.’ Gerent replied

‘I will look for them, I centred on Euny, I can only assume that they have been successful, there is not much here to show us what has happened. I’ll try N’zar.’ The image wavered, darkened and then showed the inside of a building that Gerent vaguely recognised, he could see N’zar, Wampa and Cam grouped around a woman with a child beside her.

‘I recognise that place, it’s the inn, the ‘Falcon’s Wing’!’ said Gerent excitedly, ‘and that must be the king’s daughter then,’ Gerent turned to Sancret who peered into the well.

‘I hope so’ he said, ‘at least they are all well and if they are looking for the queen then they must have defeated Morvah. I just wish I could hear what they were saying to be sure, perhaps Euny is bringing the men home while N’zar collects the queen, I don’t know.’ The image in the well darkened once more, quivered and returned to normal, Gerent looked up and realised that Sancret was still gazing into the well, the ripples in reverse ran in again and the water quivered but returned to flat calm, no image appeared. Gerent glanced at Sancret who looked worried and appeared to be going to raise an image again.

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