Carack Ch 17 p3

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Once everyone had settled from this surprise the talks then turned to who should rule Netherzoyland, none of the nobles present wanted any of the others to have it as it would make one much more powerful than the rest, it was decided that a new Eorl be appointed as Zoy had had no successors. It was then proposed that Cam should return to there and take command as head of the castle guard to keep peace until a new lord was given the province. During the later part of the discussion Gerent had whispered an idea he’d had to Ia, who was sat next to him, she quietly agreed with him but shook her head, while he tried to urge her to speak.

‘You say!’ She said, so, Gerent coughed and said loudly:

‘Having travelled with the gentleman, Queen Ia is of the opinion that Xavier Camomile’s skills are not suitable to lead the castle guard at Netherzoyland.’ Everyone turned to look at Gerent and Ia, Cam looked devastated and M’zera, next to Cam, gripped his arm, Gerent continued.

‘Queen Ia feels that Cam should indeed return to Netherzoyland, but not as captain of the guard, she wishes him to undertake the position of Eorl of Neverzoyland!’ Sancret laughed and Cam’s face changed to one of disbelief, there was a rumble of talk around the room but no one objected. N’zar thumped Cam on the back in congratulations and M’zera was overjoyed for him.

In the early afternoon the courtyard was filled with horses and ponies as people prepared to leave Widnbrea, Sancret and all the Brownies, stood on the castle walls to watch them go. Gerent went to say his goodbye to Sancret as he stood one man amid a row of Brownies that covered the castle walls and made those preparing below gaze up in wonder. The sun was shining but the wind had a cold edge to it and there was the smell of rain in its gusts. Gerent held out his hand to Sancret.

‘Thank you,’ he said, ‘thank you for everything San. I shall miss you, but you will look in on us won’t you?’ Sancret nodded and Gerent found his gaze had wandered down to the corner of the courtyard where Cam, M’zera and Wampa were saddling up, Gerent felt for the warlock.

‘If you need me you know where I am, are you sure you will be Ok here?’ Sancret gave a thin smile.

‘Of course, don’t worry about me. I have all the Brownies to keep under control and, at last, I can return to my studies without fear of interruption, I have a feeling we haven’t seen the last of Morvah and so I must continue to train and prepare myself. Go, Ia will need all the help she can get, go and mount up with the others.’ Gerent gave the warlock a hug and turned to run down to his pony, as he mounted up he noticed that it was only the Brownies remained on the castle walls to watch them leave.

 Euny and N’zar, side by side, proudly lead the procession out of the castle to wind down the hill and cross the plain, at the foot of the hill three horses left the main column and turned in the direction of Netherzoyland, Cam, M’zera and Wampa waved their goodbyes as they left. The others all headed southeast toward Chun, with the refugees leaving the plains for home at the same time. Euny and N’zar were talking together as they rode, Gerent concluded they were discussing the morning meeting and Euny being a girl, he was sure that Euny had allowed Sancret to reveal her true self, not only because of Ia, but also because Euny liked N’zar.

Gerent sensed there was a feeling of loneliness in the castle and as he rode beside Ia, he frequently glanced back at Widnbrea noticing that the banners were still. As they got closer to the edge of the plain Gerent looked back more often and he realised that he felt a part of the castle now. Perhaps it was the Brownie blood in him, but he also felt that Sancret had become as much a brother to him as Hugh had been. Thinking about the mural it seemed to make sense to him, Brunnstan had said the man in the foreground looked like Gerent, he had thought the man was familiar. Euny had said it her and Sancrets father, Gerent began to think that it could be his father too. In which case, it dawned on him like a blinding light, he was leaving his brother behind him. Having lost one brother he had now found another, who, he felt, needed him as much as Hugh had done.

Gerent had this strong urge that he should not leave the castle at this time. But he reflected he had made a promise to Ia that he would go with her and he felt that he could not now break that promise. He looked forward at Euny leading the way and deep in conversation with N’zar, she did not need him Gerent thought. She had N’zar beside her now, she was strong and confident, rather like he himself had been at home, but Sancret was not like that. When they reached the crest of one of the hills that ringed the plain, where they would get a last glimpse of Widnbrea Ia looked back at the same moment in which Gerent, with feelings of regret, turned for a last view of the castle. Ia stopped her horse and the two of them sat, side-by-side, looking back at the castle.

‘Ia, do you know what Carack means?’ Gerent asked the girl idly wonderingly as he thought about Sancret.

‘Oh yes,’ she said, ‘that’s easy, it’s from the old tongue and my mother, I mean my nurse, taught me that, it means grey, why?’

Gerent said nothing, he just continued looking at the distant castle, but inside he thought.

‘I knew it, I knew it, he is my brother.’ Ia spoke, interrupting the thoughts that were racing around Gerent’s head, she said wistfully as she looked back.

‘He’s nice, the warlock, but I think he needs a friend to help him, I have Euny and N’zar now, who does he have?’ She looked at Gerent knowingly and Gerent looked at her with wonder. Ia nodded.

‘I know where you’ll be,’ she said, Gerent thought she was going to make a very good queen and he leaned across, kissed her forehead and then eagerly spurred Elegy to start back home to Widnbrea. 


Thanks all for reading and commenting, all of which were very much appreciated on this my first novel.

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