Carack Ch9 revised and complete

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Chapter 9 M’zera

The Brownie returned the next day with just one woman with him, she was wrapped in shawls and her body stooped, her movements were listless. A stray curl of jet blck hair escape from under her head shawl to hang in her eyelashes but she was too listless to brush it away. N’zar helped her gently from the pony and holding her close he took her inside. Cam, Wampa and Gerent wandered out onto the castle walls to give them some privacy. Cam stood looking out between the banners, which were hanging loosely for want of wind, and seemed to be studying the landscape around the castle as he rotated slowly to take in each side of Widnbrea. Soon after N’zar came out and spoke with Cam who nodded and went indoors, N’zar came up to Gerent and Wampa.

‘My sister has told me that my mother hast passed away, apparently she fell ill after they were both questioned about our disappearance and did not  recover. I have asked Cam to sit with my sister as she has a strong affection for him, but please join them. Cam has not seen any sign of anyone approaching the castle but methinks we need keep watch from now on. I must speak with Umberstan and the other Brownies and we will draw up a watch rota so we can all know our duties.’ N’zar strode off toward the kitchen before either of them could say anything. Wampa and Gerent looked at each other and went into the living room, as they entered they saw Cam and M’zera sat close together with M’zera’s, now uncovered, head resting on Cam’s chest. Spotting Wampa and Gerent come into the room the two almost leapt apart. Cam had a guilty look and M’zera kept her head hung down. From what he could see Gerent thought that M’zera was very like her two brothers, with dark hair and black eyes, dark skin and tall. Her face was finely featured but looked wise and strong; she looked about seventeen or eighteen to Gerent. Cam rose and introduced them to N’zar’s sister.

‘M’zera this is uh, Hugh and Wampa. Hugh is the one to fulfil the prophecy, who was in Madron’s castle, you heard N’zar speak of him and Wampa-’

‘I know Wampa,’ said the girl gently and stepped forward to kiss his cheek, ‘he has helped me many times in the market, how are you friend?’

Wampa touched his forelock and bobbed, ‘Well mam, I thank you. Pleased the see you well mam and sorry the here about your mother, fine woman, fine.’

M’zera then turned to shake hands with Gerent but said not a word to him and she sat on the settle at once.

‘I hope you were not too startled by the rownie tuning up and brining you here so suddenly.’ said Gerent trying to think of something to say.

‘I thank thee, no, having my brother greet me was a great comfort and I have other friends here.’ She replied in a cold manner and Gerent felt snubbed.

‘Be like that’, he thought. Cam sensing something was wrong said ‘Hugh saved all of us on the hillside above Netherzoyland and is one of us now.’

‘Indeed.’ Replied the girl nodding her head slowly once, but she did not give Gerent one glance.

‘Thinks she’s bloomin’ royalty,’ Gerent said to himself and then told Camomile, ‘I’m going to see how Sancret is.’ And he left the three of them in the living room.

He wandered upstairs to Sancret’s room and opening the door gently he saw Meendhu sat beside Sancret, who was a at table rading from a huge book open in frot of him and making notes. Meendhu nudged him as Gerent entered and he looked up.

‘Gerent, have M’zera and her mother arrived then?’ he said and Gerent explained the M’zera was on her own and that her mother was dead.

‘But N’zar and I looked at them only a few days ago. It was just after they had been questioned, for we saw them return from the castle with some of the guards. N’zar’s mother seemed well then. But she was elderly I suppose.’ he concluded.

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