Carack Ch 7 revised and complete

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Chapter 7    Widnbrea

Gerent spent the morning visiting the kitchens and Brownie quarters of the castle, where an officious Brownie called Brunnstan showed him around. He saw the layers of rows of fifty centimetre high Brownie holes set in the wall of the basement, like so many bread ovens. Each had its own metal door and when Brunnstan proudly opened the door to his own hole Gerent could see it was very comfortable as it was fitted out with a small bed, chairs and was lit by oil lamps. Brunnstan explained that Brownies liked the shade, worked by night and loved housework of any kind. Gerent thought his mother could do with one. There were thirty Brownies in Widnbrea, he learnt, all of them descended from the original Brownies who had inhabited the castle when it was built. All of them dressed in brown, all the time and Gerent could see they were a merry bunch, who really seemed happy in their work. As he was shown the immaculate kitchens, he heard snatches of song and much laughter in the larders, preparation rooms and meat stores from the hard working Brownies. Gerent gave Brunnstan a courteous thank you, bowing as he did so. He stifled a laugh as he saw the little figure puff up his chest with pride and look around to see if any other Brownie could see the respect he was being given. Gerent then wandered around the walls by the banners and the courtyard where he was shown the stables by Hrosstan, who reunited him with Grao, the pony he had ridden to reach Widnbrea. Having patted the ponies and congratulated Hrosstan on their condition Gerent found that he was quite hungry and that the sun was overhead, so he concluded that it must be time to eat.

Reaching Sancret’s living room he saw that the table had been cleared from breakfast and was laid for two. He sat at the table and Brunnstan appeared, he said that he would go and remind Sancret it was time to eat, at which he disappeared. Gerent was getting used to the sudden comings and goings of the comical little people. Brunnstan reappeared and offered Gerent a choice of cheese and pickles or omelette for lunch, Gerent chose the cheese and Brunnstan disappeared once more. Gerent waited for Sancret, his food came and he still waited, eventually he decided to take the cheese, pickles and bread up to Sancret to share. When he reached the tower room he was struck by a large ugly cupboard standing in the middle of the floor that he had not noticed before, but of Sancret it was empty, disappointed he went back down and was met by Brunnstan at the foot of the stairs.

‘I have reminded mage Sancret of his meal time,’ said Brunnstan, ‘but I fear he is in one of his absent minded moods today, he often forgets his meals. Please eat Lordling, perhaps you would enjoy eating out on the walls? A pleasant breeze is blowing.’ Gerent agreed and wondering what Sancret was up to he went and sat on the walls with his back against the tower to eat. After finishing the cheese, he fell asleep against the warm stones, fanned by a light breeze in the drowsy summer sun. After a while he was woken by a flustered Sancret saying:

‘Oh my dear chap, I am so sorry, I get carried away, lost all track you know. You have eaten; yes, I can see you have. Brunnstan has given me a severe lecture I can tell you!’

‘It’s Ok,’ said Gerent, ‘I was fine, it was nice being out here, the view is terrific. Have you made any progess?’

‘Well yes, actually, I have managed to transpose myself with the tall cupboard in the sawol room. Thought I had better start with a large object! Trouble is the hinges and handles did’nt come with it. Now all I have to do is get it back again, it takes up a large area of the observation room. But goodness knows if it will be whole when I do.’

‘I think I saw the thing up there,’ said Gerent, ‘as I was looking for you for lunch.’

‘Did you? Oh, I’m sorry, you trailed up all that way and I wasn’t there. I’m useless!’ Sancret admonished himself. ‘Have you had a good morning?’

Gerent explained what he had been doing and what he had seen, Sancret laughed at his comments on Brunnstan.

‘Don’t let him hear you say that or my life will be a misery! I’m glad you were occupied anyway. Will you be Ok exploring this afternoon? I’m sorry I just want to get a grasp on this transposing.’

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