Ch4 p3

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On entering the anti room to the feasting hall Gerent joined many other knights waiting there, who were all dressed in varieties of armour and it seemed to Gerent that there was a lot of clanking going on. He noticed N’zar standing quietly in a corner; head bowed, and as he was the only person Gerent knew in the room, he made his way over to him.

‘How are you?’ He asked casually to break the ice, N’zar looked at him in surprise, ‘Nice armour,’ Gerent continued and then added carelessly, ‘Look about yesterday, let’s forget it shall we? Friends?’ He held out his hand, N’zar stared at him amazed and looked down at the proffered hand but did not move to take it. ‘Look, I saw what I saw, at the Falcon’s Wing, ask Wampa he was with me, he’d back me up.’

‘Even if I wished to do as thou suggests I couldst not, as thou do well know.’ replied N’zar coldly.

‘Why not?’ asked Gerent, puzzled.

‘Because since his return to the castle with thee, and until he is executed, Wampa is being held in the dungeon pit, forbidden to see anyone or anything, even daylight!’ N’zar whispered eying the other occupants of the room as he spoke as if to ensure no one else could hear what he said to Gerent, ‘as thou ordered.’

‘Me! I didn’t, I didn’t order anything, I don’t know anything about it. I’d forgotten all about him until last night. Why would I have Wampa put in the dungeon? He didn’t do anything to me, besides I didn’t even know there were dungeons here.’ Gerent replied in a low voice.

‘Thou didst not give the order?’


‘All hast said it was thy will! I am unable to comprehend which is true, thy version or that of my guardsmen. Thou sayest that Wampa dist look upon my brother also?’

‘Yes, like I said, he was there, an inn full of people must have seen N’zim. He even spoke to the barmaid, she would remember, I mean the weather was so bad I think everyone in the place would remember that night.’

‘Marry, I know not if I canst believe thee, but tis clear we must talk further and not here where we canst be seen. Twill be time to be announced for dinner soon, I will attempt to speak to thee later during the dancing.’ N’zar straightened up, looked around to see if they had been noticed and then left Gerent and headed across the room toward the doors of the feasting hall. The doors were thrown open a few moments later and one by one the Knights were announced, Gerent’s name was called first.

‘My Lord Hugh, champion of the lady Morvah, advisor to the High Lord.’ Called out a red coated master of ceremonies and Gerent walked, head held high through the body of knights, into the hall and took his seat beside Morvah at the top table, here he thought, where ever here was, he was somebody. The ladies were already seated and their chatter increased as each knight was announced. Morvah held Gerent’s hand under the table and as he gazed at her he once again noticed the small wart on the side of her nose. He then saw that her skin did not so much look olive brown as he had thought previously, but pale green and that her hair was stiff, like straw, he could not comprehend how he could have seen her as so flawless and bewitching all that morning. Her withered hand, resting on the table, looked like a claw. Her voice sounded treacly and sickening, and her perfume was overpowering and heavy with its honeysuckle aroma. Gerent felt she was trying to get him to fall in love with her but he no longer felt attracted to her, he wondered how he ever had been. Then, as he thought about it he realised that last night he had had similar thoughts about her and yet for the whole day he had, once again, been captivated by her, he was at a loss to understand what was going on. Morvah seemed to realise that something was not quite right as she gave him anxious glances while the meal was being served. Gerent sensed danger in her mistrust and tried to act towards her as he had done during the day, fawning over her, until it almost made him sick, but she seemed to be fooled by his performance and began to smile at him as before.

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