Carack Ch12 revised and complete

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Chapter 12  Euny

They set off in the morning for Chun castle, Meendhu knew the general direction from Ludlowston. They all wanted to get on as fast as possible in case the king or Madron attacked Widnbrea. They all knew this could be happening even as they spoke. The weather was blustery but fine, there was a distinct feel of autumn in the air and the three reached a small village just before evening. Gerent went in alone and bought some food. He returned to his friends and they continued on their way until they found shelter for the night in an empty cattle shed along the edge of the road.

Over the evening meal, Meendhu told them how he had stumbled into the bear seller’s camp having been attracted by the noise of bears and then been captured by the quick witted bear seller. He had not revealed that he was not just an ordinary bear, or tried to escape, at first because he felt thoroughly dejected. Gerent and Brunnstan both agreed that this was probably the result of the influence charm. Meendhu explained that by the time he had felt like trying to escape he was weak from poor food, being caged and beaten. Gerent told him of Sancret’s anxiety for him when he had seen him in the cage and that they had both been sent to rescue him. They all relived and laughed at the trick they had used to extract him from the grasp of the bear seller without paying and then sobered as it brought them to think on the knight who had captured and then released Gerent.

The next day Gerent and Brunnstan rode beside each other with Meendhu lolloped alongside. They stopped by a pleasant brook for lunch and refilled their water skins, Gerent was pleased to see that Meendhu was his old self again, eager to be doing and keen to get back to Widnbrea. As they continued along, they entered a narrow lane when Brunnstan looked back.

‘Lordling,’ he said, ‘I can hear another horse coming up behind us fast! Take the reins of my pony I’m going invisible!’ Gerent grasped the reins Brunnstan passed to him and realised he could now also hear the pounding hooves. He called out to Meendhu to hide until the horse rider passed. Just as Meendhu had wriggled through a hedge the rider came into view and Gerent recognised the knight that they had left behind two days ago. The knight rode past without stopping, which quelled Gerent’s fear that he was who the knight was after. But then the large grey mare was pulled up in an abrupt way was and turned back to face Gerent. The horse was well laden with bundles and had bulging saddlebags, which made it look as if there was not much room for the rider.

‘Western child, we meet again. Are you on the road to Chun?’ Gerent did not know what to reply, the grey shifted sideways in the road as if impatient at the halt.

‘Peace Fogbow,’ soothed the rider, ‘Ah, I forgot, mute are you not? I look for the one, I thought you might be he in Ludlowston and then decided not. Now I find you on the same road as I was told the one would be,’ the knight rode forward to be alongside Gerent and put a hand on his reigns.

‘You are the one are you not?’ Gerent said nothing but was wondering how to escape the knight and if Meendhu could hear what was being said.

‘You are on the way to my King to try and save him, are not you? Speak western boy before I grow really angry!’ The knight’s dark eyes glowed with frustration at Gerent’s silence, and the hand was removed from the rein in order to turn the grey horse to face forward once more.

‘I shall ride with you and your companions, no doubt the bear will come out from behind the hedge and your little friend may once again become visible. I like to see my attackers at least.’ The knight settled the grey to stand beside Gerent’s pony and nodded to Gerent.

‘When you are ready so I am.’

Gerent felt he could not stay still any longer so he urged his pony forward and the knight matched his pace. Gerent became aware of the soft padding of paws on the road and looked round to see Meendhu right behind him, the knight made no sign of hearing or seeing the bear but continued to look ahead. Gerent felt Brunnstan, who was now visible leant over towards him and whisper.

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