Chapter 14

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Melodys POV

Before I even realized what I said, we were kissing. And I'll say it right now -it was one hell of a kiss! Sure Ashton and I kissed, and maybe I felt some sort of spark in the moment or something, but right here and now.. it was something I've never felt before.

It was a short kiss, but I feel like it had a lot of passion behind it. We pulled away at the same time and he shot me his signature grin that I am honestly growing really fond of.

"You know, you don't have to leave. You can just call him on my phone," he leans in towards my ear, "It will make him really mad that you're with me." He hands me his phone.

I take a second to battle with my subconscious.

Angel: 'Don't do it. Be the bigger person, Melody. You're basically an adult, you need to make adult decisions.'

Demon: 'Aw but come on, what's the harm in having a little fun? He hurt me, so he deserves something in return right? It's only fair.'

'You win this round demon', I say in my head as I reach for his phone to call Ashton.

I dial his number, and he picks up sounding all cute and innocent-- stop it Mel, he's a douche bag.

"Uh, hello. Who is this?" Is accent rolls out of the speaker.

"Uh- mhm- it's me.. Mel.. I mean Melody.. I need to talk to you. Meet me at 45 Charcoal rd. It's important." I say trying to sound really confident at hearing his voice but only to have it completely crush me.

"That address sounds really familiar... wait who's phone are you using? Yours is at your house still." there he goes again, getting all protective.

"Just... uh.. just a friends.." I say, shifting my gaze towards Harry.

"Oh, okay. well I'll be there in like 15 minutes. I'll see you soon... Mel, I still love you..." he whispers that last part.

"Good bye, Ashton." I say, trying my hardest to ignore what he said.


After 15 minutes of a comfortable silence with Harry, there is a firm knock at the door. I look at Harry as he gets up and heads towards the door, his long legs taking long slow strides as he goes.

As he reaches for the door handle, he looks back to me with an apologetic smile then turns back and opens the door. I immediately see Ashton's face go from a confused far to an I'm-gonna-kill-you face in a half of a second as soon as he sees Harry.

"What the hell is this?" He shouts, pushing past Harry and walking towards me.

"I called you because we need to talk, and I thought it best if there was someone here to witness it. Just in case." I mumble.

"In case what, Mel? I won't hurt you!" He tries to sound innocent.

"That's debatable..." Harry mumbles from his place near the door.

"Shut up fuck face, I wasn't talking to you!" He says between gritted teeth.

"Ashton! Enough!" I hate hearing him shout. "We need to talk," I lower my voice.

"About what? Huh? Are you sleeping with him, because that wouldn't surprise me seeing as you're defending him instead of your boyfriend!" Ugh! He's such a child!

"No! I'm not. I was saving myself for you, but you fucked that up!" I raise my voice once again, getting aggravated now.

He takes a second to look at me and walks towards me a few inches, "Mel, I'm sorry --"

"No," I step back, "I'm done, okay. That's why I called you. I'm done with this mess you call a relationship," Finally, its out. Done. I said it.

He looks like he was just slapped in the face. With a steel chair. The sight bringing tears to my eyes.

"Bu-- Mel, I thought... But.. "

"Just stop. Okay? Stop. This I all your fault."

He continues to look at me like I just told him his puppy got hit by a car.

"Please, babe. Just give me another chance..." he begs, his voice dropping to a whisper.

"Ashton.. I can't. Not after what you did to me." As soon as I said that, its like something went off in his head. Like a switch turned from sad puppy to viscous wolf.

"You left me no fucking choice! I'm a teenage boy for fucks sake! I have needs, and you were to proud to help me with them. So I had to find a substitute of two, and let me tell you they were amazing!" His neck veins standing out as he yells.

Before anything else can happen Harry steps between us two and leads him to the door.

"She doesn't need your bullshit anymore 'fuck face'," Harry spits, standing up for me.

Before Harry could sass him anymore, Ashton took it upon himself to throw himself at Harry, full on attacking him. Harry gets in two really good hits in the nose and chin, but Ashton was basically taking all his anger out on Harry because it was so unexpected.

"Ashton, stop it! You're hurting him!" I yell, trying to get him to act mature.

"Fuck you!" Ashton shouts as he storms out of Harrys house, "Fuck the both of you! Anyways, our whole relationship was a fucking dare so suck on that! Whatever, now you can go mess with your new boy toy!" And with that, he was gone.

I have no clue what he meant about this dare, but never-the-less I was still heartbroken. The only guy I ever came close to loving took my heart and smashed it into a million tiny pieces.



Argh this completely sucks and I am so sorry for the people who are actually still reading this. If you are reading this I love you and I hope you're enjoying the story and I'm so so so so so so so so sorry for not updating for like 7 years!!! I hope someone is still reading this.

Love des.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2016 ⏰

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