Chapter 5

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Harrys' POV


My friends and I all gathered around our signature hangout tree at recess. Liam, a medium sized kid with brown short hair and a chubby face, and Calum, a slightly smaller kid with wavy black hair and yet another chubby face, started climbing the tree, on the lowest branch like always, while everyone else sat or stood on the ground.

"I think we should play a game today!" Leigh-Anne shouted, her fizzy brown shoulder length hair bobbing with her as she jumped up and down. She had a more tan completion and small brown eyes.

"Well what game, Leelee?" Michael, a very pale skinned boy with blonde hair sticking in every direction, questioned, calling Leigh-Anne by the nickname he gave her. His green eyes grew wide with excitement.

"Maybe we could play football!" Louis kicked the soccer ball and it hit another kid in the head, causing about everyone to laugh. "Or maybe not." he changed his mind. Louis was a little bigger than us. Only because he was two years older than us. He was always a trouble maker. He had light brown bowl shaped hair, and squinty blue eyes.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! We could play house!" Jade, a tiny girl with big brown eyes yelled, jumping up from her laying position next to Niall. "Or school! Or maybe even doctor!" she continued spewing off game ideas.

"Let's play doctor, and pretend to operate on Jade!" Luke teased her. Luke was a tall blonde with piercing blue eyes.

"No!" Jade screeched and all the boys laughed.

"We could play jump rope!" Perrie suggested. She was a small girl with light blonde hair and a very big smile.

"Why do all the girls get to pick what we play?" A thick Irish accent came from a small brunette boy from the side of the tree. "I want to pick a game!" he complains, pouting.

"So pick one then Niall, instead of complaining." An Australian accent sounded from beside me. This curly dirty blonde hair boy with big hazel eyes was Ashton. He, too, stayed back a year making him 10 and Lou 12. Only because his mom felt he wasn't comfortable with the other kids. Ashton, Luke, Calum and Michael all came from Australia together when all of their parents, who were best friends, decided to move to Florida together. The rest of us were about 9- 11 years old. Big span right?

"Ok," Niall smiled, "How about... Hopscotch!" Really, Niall? Hopscotch? Niall earned a bunch 'ews' from all the boys, which was most of the group, while the four girls all got super excited.

Just when I was going to pick out a game, a smaller girl with long, jet black hair and big bright blue eyes came up to us. She was quite cute.

"Hi." she shyly sounded. "I'm Melody Blume. I just moved here and I noticed you had a big group. Can I play with you guys?" she spoke just above a whisper, I almost couldn't here her with all the other screaming children in the background.

"Of course you can!" Jesy, another tan skinned girl with long brown hair and big brown eyes, ran up to her and pulled her to where she was sitting. "We were just trying to decide on what to play. But we can't pick one. Do you know of any good games?" Jesy asked.

"Well, I used to play Truth or Dare with my old friends all the time!" the new girl said.

"Why didn't I think of that?" Calum yelled, almost falling out of the tree he was still sat in. "By the way, my name is Calum!" He finished with a smirk on his face. Duh, we now know who she is, but she still doesn't know us!

"Oh yeah! I'm Michael, but you can call my Mikey."

"I'm Luke."

"I'm Niall"

"I'm Jade"

"I'm Perrie"

"Zen" a tan kid said with dark brown/ black hair that sat messily on his head and chocolate brown eyes. A couple of us stifled a laugh, seeing as the way he said his name was a joke between us.

"I'm Louis 'The Tommo' Tomlinson" more giggles followed Louis' joke.

"I'm Liam, but you can call me Batman." his voice got deeper and he said that, to get the effect going.

"Leigh-anne" a big smile on her face.


"My name is Ashton."

"And last but not least, I'm Harry." We finished our mile long role call with big smiles plastered on our faces.

"You all sound funny!" Melody laughed, talking about our different accents. "It's nice to meet all of you," still giggling, "now let's get started on this game." Liam and Calum slowly and carefully climbed down the tree to join the small circle we were trying to make.

"Oldest goes first!" Louis yelled, a big smile formed on his face. When, in return, got a bunch of groans from around the circle. "Ok... Jade!" Louis picked after looking around the circle. "Truth or Dare?"

"Um... Dare?" she made it sound more like a question than an answer.

"I dare you to... Um... Oh! Climb the tree!" he picked, knowing she wouldn't do it because she was to petite and girly to want to go climbing a tree.

She quickly shoots back "NO! I meant to say truth! I don't want that!"

"Well, you can use one of the three chickens you have." Zany quietly added

"Oh, Yeah! I'll use one of those!" she sounded so happy at the thought of not having to climb the tree.

"Uh! Girls stink!" Louis complained. "Whatever, Jade it's your turn."

"Ok, um.." Her eyes peered around the circle and landed on me. "Harry!" Great. "Truth or Dare?"


"Hmm... Ooh! Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?" Well this is a boring question.

"No, I don't sleep with a stuffed animal." I answered truthfully. I actually slept with a blanket. I looked around the circle, and just decided to go with the person on my right, which was Ashton. "Ashton, Truth or Dare?"

"Let's do a dare." Enthusiasm rang in his voice. It didn't take me long to come up with a quite intriguing dare.

"Ok, I dare you to tell me who you like in our group of friends." He grew a slight blush on his face as he looked around the circle at everyone's faces. Then his eyes landed on Melody. She was cute, her black hair waved a couple inches past her shoulders, and he big blue eyes oblivious to the fact the Ashton was staring her down.

He leans into my ear and whispers the name I wish he hadn't. "Melody." And Ashton always gets what he wants, one way or another.


so what do you think?!?!?!?! Harry and Melody? Or Ashton and Melody? Comment and let me know. or inbox me some ideas !!!!!!!

Omg I am soooooooooo sorry for this long update. I'm grounded and might not be on for a little longer. but please keep reading!!!!! I love my directiboos sooo much <33333

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