Chapter 1

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Harrys' POV

"Look at her" I say mostly to myself, but my friends overheard my outward thoughts.

"What about her?" Liam questions while draping his arm around his girlfriend Danielle. Liam was quite muscular with brown hair styled up in a quiff while his brown eyes gazed over Dani's face. Dani was pretty, but not my type. I like the innocent girls. The good girls, the smart girls. Basically the opposite of me.

"Duh, mate. Obviously he's talking about the way Melody looks over her shoulder, her bright blue eyes, and her beauty--" Niall gets interrupted by Louis elbowing him in the rib cage. "OW! what the hell was that for!?" he says grabbing his ribs , his blonde hair staying perfectly in his quiff while his blue eyes stare deeply into Louis' soul.

"Well..." Louis starts fixing his light brown quiff, (When the hell did I get surrounded by quiffs?) "first off, you're making lover boy over there get his temper started," he said pointing to my hands which were, none-the-less, in tight fists, "and secondly, don't you like someone?" Louis says staring Niall down.

"I guess..." Niall mumbles off. Just as I turn my attention back to Melody, Zayns' girlfriend and her friends come by.

"Hey guys," they all say at the same time.

We all muffle hellos, except for Zayn, who's smile reached either side of his face at the sight of Perrie.

"Hey babe," Perrie greets Zayn with a peck on the lips.

I ignore everyone, because my main focus is Melody. Just as she turns to look in my direction, her jackass boyfriend, Ashton, walks up to her. They share a small kiss that enrages me, but I try my hardest to stay calm.

As I keep watching like the creep I am, I notice that Ashton stares me down every few minuets. Trying to keep to myself and not stare at her was an obvious fail when Ashton gets up, grabs his 'posse' and heads my way.

Ashtons' POV

"Why does that fuck up keep looking at us?" I ask Melody as she looks back at him, hopefully wondering the same thing.

"He's not a 'fuck up', Ashton; and I don't know, why don't you go ask him?" she says with obvious sarcasm. But I don't pay attention, and the next thing I know, I'm running my fingers through my curly, blonde hair, getting up and grabbing my mates to go set things straight.

"Ashton! I was being sarcastic! Come back here!" she shouts after me. But I'm already half way across the cafeteria. Luke and Calum are on my left and Michael on my right, all of us sporting our varsity jackets.

As we make our way to their table, I see the five guys that I have grown to hate over the years. Liam, Louis, Niall, Zayn, and the worst, Harry. Ever since I started dating Melody, he wont stop staring at her. It bugs me the fuck out! So I'm finally gonna do something about it.

'Well, look who it is," Louis says instigating me with a big ass smile on his face.

"We just came to say that I don't want you checking my girl out anymore!" I shout pointing to Harry. "You hear me!?" I ask.

Harrys' POV

"Well, look who it is," Louis chirps sarcastically, looking at the four preppy boys who just walked up to our table.

"We just came to say that I don't want you checking my girl out anymore!" He yells pointing in my direction. "You hear me!?" he finishes.

"Yeah, whatever," I mumble, not wanting to hear those words leave his mouth. I can feel my anger start to boil up inside me, but I notice that the whole lunch room is looking, so I decide against starting a fight right now.

"Good, now if I see you talk to her, of even look at her for that matter, there will be hell to pay, Styles." he says with a snobby look on his face. And with that, he turns and leaves with his 'posse' at his side.

Great, now the girl of my dreams is even further from my grasp, and I have to try and get her without talking to her or looking at her.

"This should be easy," I think aloud.

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