Chapter 9

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Ashtons' POV

After what happened at the pool, I took Melody back in the house and up to my room. We hardly did anything besides make out because she is too scared to take our relationship to the next level. I mean, my hand was slipped up her shirt and she was fine with that, but as soon as I reached for her bra clasp she's suddenly lecturing me about how she's not ready for anything more than what we have at the moment. At this point, with all the alcohol I've consumed, I'm literally on the verge of throwing shit.

"Babe, I don't understand why we can't just do it and get it over with!" I slur, really just wanting to get laid.

She stares at me for a minute like I just murdered someone, "Because I'm not ready and I'd prefer it to be nice and special. Not drunk and sloppy!" I would have to say that I had three-- or was it four-- more drinks than her, so she's starting to sober up.

"I've been waiting for three whole god damn months already!" my voice raising with every word I speak.

"Well no need to yell at me!" she raises her voice as well, tears glistening her eyes. "I'm just not ready! I'm sorry I want it to be perfect! Didn't you want your first time to be perfect?" She questions.

"Oh baby. My first time was FAR from perfect!" I full on yell, my voice laced with anger and disgust. "And I hardly even remember it because I was so piss drunk!" my words continuing to slur. I look at her and see that her tears are full on running down her face, along with her once perfect makeup. 'Now you've done it, Ash' I mentally slap myself for making my girlfriend cry. "I'm sorry, baby." my voice softening as I walk over to the far corner of my room where Melody stands. "Please forgive me." I beg.

She looks at me. Her big beautiful blue eyes pouring tears that I caused. "I don't know if I can, Ashton. You've really out done yourself this time." Disappointment dripping from every word, as she pushes me and runs out my bedroom door.

The door slams behind her signaling that she was sad, angry, disappointed, hurt... shall I continue? I stand there contemplating if I should follow after her; my conscious battling it out on my shoulders. After about three minutes, this war in my head comes to a hault and I start heading out of my room.


I decided to call quits on my search party after about twenty minutes of searching, sticking with my hypothesis that she left. The earlier events were still fresh in my mind, so I figured that a couple more drinks would help me forget almost everything.

My tipsy self stumbled into the kitchen and got another beer from the fridge, cracking it open and welcoming the alcohol into my system for what seemed like the hundredth time tonight. With the alcohol quickly taking over, I started walking aimlessly around my house until my drunken feet came to a halt at the threshold of my living room. My drunken mind spotted something it liked and made it's way over to it as my subconscious stayed frozen.

Before I knew it, I was grinding up against some blonde girl whose name I didn't know, her back towards me. She turned around and I could tell from look on her face that she was surprised at my actions, but continued dancing with me.

"You know, I could show you a couple of other moves I know." she whispered in my ear as her hands roamed my torso.

I looked at her in shock at what she just said to me, but nod my head in approval. It's not like Mel will find out.

We turn around and head for the guest room that's not too far from where we were and slipped in unnoticed.

As soon as I shut the door and turned around, her body attacked mine and pushed me up against the wall. Not liking the current position, I flip us around so she is pinned up against the wall as our lips find each others.

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