Chapter 10

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Harrys POV

I've been standing outside Ashton's house for about half an hour after my conversation with Melody and just as I was about to go back in and find everyone, I see Jesy exit the house. I decide in this moment that I should probably talk to her and figure out what the hell is going on.

"Hey." I speak up, noticing her looking up and down the street as if she was looking for someone.

She turns around realizing that someone was there, "Oh, hi! Long time no talk." She starts to walk over to me.

"Yeah, I guess." I say, rubbing the back of my neck with my hand.

She looks at me with a confused look on her face probably wondering why I decided to actually converse with her after, what, two years? "How have you been?"

"I'm good, you?" I ask, trying to hold up a steady conversation for God knows what reason.

"Oh, I'm good. Hey you wouldn't by any chance know where Mel would be, do you?" she asks still looking around. "She was here about 45 minutes ago but then she disappeared with Ashton, God knows what they did. But then I just saw Ash and she wasn't anywhere near him." I remember back like six years ago when I first called her Mel.. I don't know why I did, but it just slipped out of my mouth and stuck like glue. I guess everyone calls her that now.

"No I haven't seen her. But I did see Ashton, and let's just say I can't un-see what I saw." Jesy looks at me with even more confusion lacing her facial expressions.

"Okay, well if you do see her, can you let her know that I'm leaving. The party life is not for me." she says laughing at herself. I stifle a laugh back and tell her that I will. "Alright, thanks. It was nice talking to you, see you around." She turns around and heads towards her car.

I decide that Jesy has a good idea of leaving now because I'm exhausted and my mind needs to run through tonight's events a couple times to make sure I'm not jut going insane. Heading back in the house, I maneuver my way through a thinning crowd until I find Zayn dancing with Perrie. Trying to pull his attention away from his girlfriend I tap him in the shoulder a couple times.

"Hey dude, do you think we could get going soon? I really new to talk to you guys." I shout over the music. As soon as Zayn turns to me, I notice that his eyes are blood shot and he smells of a mix of alcohol and weed.

"Man we just got here... where even are we again?" he asks as his eyebrows knit together in concern and confusion.

"Were at Ashton's, and we got here about three hours ago. You're high and drunk while I'm sobering up and exhausted. Where are the other boys?"

Zayn looks around the room and nods over to the kitchen as I see Niall's blonde hair sticking up from behind the open refrigerator door. "Okay, I want you to stay over here while I go round everyone up.. Jesus I need new friends." I mumble that last part.

As I head over to the kitchen, some brown haired douche bag runs right into me.

"What the hell man!" I yell, really not wanting to get into a fight right now. Looking at the person, I realize that it's someone that I honestly could care less about running into at the moment.

"Why the hell are you here?" Calum slurs, disgust dripping from his voice.

"Finding my friends and leaving." I spit out, pushing past him and walking straight into the kitchen. I grab Niall's arm and pull him away from the cabinet from which he was looking for food. "C'mon, man."

I take Niall over to Zayn and make them stay there so I can go and search for Louis and Liam.

It doesn't take me long to find Liam. He was sitting on the couch with Dani sitting on his lap as their mouths attacked each other. Like I did with Zayn, I tap Liam's shoulder until I successfully pull his attention away from his girlfriend. "What man! Can't you see I'm in the middle of something?"

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