Chapter 13

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A/n hey guys! I'm sorry I haven't been updating a lot recently... I've been SUPER busy with school and sports. But cheering just ended so I have a lot of time on my hands for the next two weeks!! Please just stay with me and I promise the story will pick up soon!!! I love you all!!!

Harrys P.O.V.

About hour after Melody left, the boys had come over. With my parents being out for the rest of the day, I decided it best that I broke out the weed.

"Man, this is awesome." Zayn says after about 20 minutes of dead silence, his blunt bouncing up and down in between his teeth with every word he speaks.

"You got that right." Liam answers, puffing out a cloud of smoke.

"I've been saving this for a time that I needed it most, and I decided to share it with my best mates." I smile, the drugs already getting to my head.

"Good move, man." Lou points to me, his already blood shot eyes looking dead serious. After about a ten seconds, he broke down laughing; and so did everyone else.

A few minutes after everyone calmed down, my phone began to ring. I looked at the contact and a sudden grin went ear to ear.

"Well, hello Ms. Blume. How may I help you?" I answer, By the way she sounded, I don't think she was in the mood.

"Hi, I'm sorry to bug you, but Ashton is here and said that you know something, but it's just you being 'delusional'," Ouch! "Do you think you could tell me, because Ash won't fess up." She sounds stressed out; like she's about to cry. The thought of her crying just upsets me.

"Are you sure you want me to tell you?"
I become more serious (still completely under the influence), realizing what I am going to say will shatter her.

Her voice comes out slightly above a whisper, "Please, Harry."

"He hooked up with someone last night at the party..." the words sliding out of my mouth, and as soon as they leave, I regret saying them.

"Thank you." she whispers, and the line goes dead.

I put my phone down and try to turn my attention back to whatever I was doing before... but to no avail. I hope she's okay. I wonder what he's telling her. How could he EVER treat her like that?

About two hours after she hung up, there was a knock at the door.

"Mate, someone's here. Did we order a pizza or something?" Niall asks, taking a sip from his third, or was it his fourth, beer.

"No.. I'll be right back," I say, setting my beer down and head over to the front door.

When I open it I see Melody standing there, with some pajamas on and whatever makeup was left on her face is now streaming down her cheeks and still somehow looking as beautiful as ever. As soon as she sees me, her arms wrapped around my neck as she settles for a hug, leaving me shocked. (Wow, it's been years since I last felt her arms around me.) I hear her quiet sobs in my ear as I reciprocate her actions and hug her back.

She soon pulls away and looks around the room, taking in the scene.

"Am I interrupting something? Because if I am I can leave, I should have called first anyways before I came. I wasn't thinking," she mumbles looking back and forth between me and the boys.

"Oh no no! We were just having a couple drinks that's all. You can stay if you want."

"Are you sure? I just didn't think I should be alone while I'm in this state. I don't know. I'm sorry, I'm rambling," she starts to cry a little harder.

"Hey, it's okay. I can make them leave, they all live in a walking distance, so it's safe."

"Are you sure? I feel like I'm intruding," she continues to mumble.

"Yeah, yeah. They'll understand," I look over to them. "Guys, it's getting late, I think you should head out," I motion for them to leave.

"Yeah right, you just want some time alone with her," Zayn slurs and wiggles his eyebrows. "Whatever, I'll just go see Perrie."

And soon enough they all get up and leave, they should be fine headed home.

After they all left, I sit Melody down on the couch.

"Okay, so what happened?"

She looks up from her hands and into my eyes, "Well, it all started at Ashton's party the other night. He had a couple more drinks than me and started kissing me. He decided that we should take it up stairs and things started getting--"

"Yeah, yeah okay spare me the details ," I interrupt her, sounding like a douche.

"Sorry," she mumbles with a smirk on her face. Did she realize that I was getting angry and a little jealous...

"So I told him that I didn't want to do anything that I would regret the next morning because he was drunk so he decided it would be best to flip out on me because I wanted to wait," her eyes started to fill with more tears as she looked back down at her lap, "So then I left and went to Jade's house and vented to her, and may or may not have eaten an entire tub of Ben and Jerry's ice cream. And then what you told me today just-- ugh-- it broke my heart. He kept telling me that he was sorry and how he didn't mean to do it. I- I just don't know what to do." she finishes, looking back up at me.

'Hey, you should just dump him and be with me, I would NEVER do anything like that to you because I lo--' I get pulled out of my thoughts as two small arms wrap around my neck for the second time in a warm embrace.

"Well if it means anything to you, I always thought he was an arse and you deserve so much better." I say, trying to give a hint as she pulls away from the hug.

"You're right. I should break up with him. I don't deserve this. Thank you so much for listening, you don't know how much it means to me." she says, her bright cerulean blue eyes staring into my boring green ones.

She gets up to leave and I walk her to the front door, but before she gets the chance to say good bye I grab her hand and spin her around so her back is to the wall. She looks at me, bewildered, but does nothing to push me off.

I swiftly push back some hair that had fallen into her face and lean in ever so slowly, wanting this moment to be perfect because this is the moment I've even waiting for my entire adolescent life.

About and inch away from her lips is when I freeze, my nerves are off the wall, but before I can lean in any further I hear two faint words fall from this beautiful girls lips.

"Kiss me," and without any hesitation, I lean in and press my lips against hers.

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