Chapter 8

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Harrys' POV

8:00 pm

The boys and I are sat in my basement with Lou and Niall playing FIFA and Liam, Zayn, and I with our noses in our phones. "You know," Liam speaks up, "this is no fun; with us just sitting here on our phones and playing video games. What happened to us doing things like we used to?"

"I don't know, mate. But I think we should get out tonight."

Louis pauses the game and puts down the controller. "Anybody got any ideas?"

"We could go see a movie." Niall offers.

"Or how about not..." Zayn looks at him like he's crazy, "We could go to a party." He states.

"Oh yeah, I heard that there was going to be a party this weekend, I just wasn't sure what time it was at, and if we should even go." I remember Melody and her friends talking about in French class.

"A party sounds good. Who's is it?" Niall asks.

"Michaels." I mumble, truly wishing it was someone elses. The look on everyones faces slowly turns to resentment. But going back to what Liam said, we haven't done anything 'fun' in a while, so I instantly get an amazing idea. "Guys?" I question, an evil smirk the size of Texas resting on my face. "I think that this party could use five of the best party crashers in the U.S."

Almost immediately, the four other boys have enormous grins, obviously agreeing with my idea.

"Ok, I'll call Perrie and ask her about the party." Zayn says as he starts tapping her number into his phone.


8:30 pm

It turns out that the party had started at 7 and that we will be showing up fashionably late.

"Does anyone even remember where Ashtons' house is?" Niall speaks his thoughts. It has been about three years since any of us have been to his house and the last time I was here is a time I really wish I could forget.

"I think so. We can just drive around for a bit and whatever house has a bunch of cars and piss drunk people outside is more than likely his." I offer. My idea receives a bunch of "yeah"s as I make my way to the door swinging it open, "Alright then, let's go!"

We leave my house and get into Zayn's black Mustang. He hops into the drivers seat and I take shot gun while Liam, Louis, and Niall take the backseat. As the engine purrs to life, a song I don't recognize softly sounds through the radio. "Man can you turn it up?" Louis yells from the backseat. As Zayn turns up the volume, Louis -again- yells, "Aw yeah! This is my jam!" He starts belting out the lyrics. The song is a little to pop for me, but other than that it's pretty good.

As the song ends, Zayn turns the volume back down to almost nothing. The car remains silent, besides the hushed radio commercial in the background. A couple minutes later, the silence is broken.

"This place looks real familiar." Zayns eyes concentrating on the task at hand. I turn and look out my window and see huge houses lining the streets. We stay silent for about 5 minutes as we look for the house.

One of them stands out, with all the lights on inside and out and around 10-15 cars parked all over the front lawn.

"Found it." Liam breaks the silence that had been echoing in the car for what seemed like hours. All of us having a brief case of nostalgia, reminiscing in our minds.

"Do you remember when we would all come over here on the weekends and hang out. Like ALL of us? Wow, that seems like forever ago." Niall pipes up.

"Yeah, and remember when you asked Perrie out here? How we all helped you set up that huge thing that was all for nothing because you basically were already dating." Louis targets Zayn. "Those were the days man." He finishes, making Zayn smile at the memories. A memory comes to my mind that I don't want to spend too much time reminiscing on, so I interrupt the 'fun' trip down Memory Lane and hop out of the front seat yelling the boys to hurry up.

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