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You were in John B's kitchen making a sandwich before you felt a body pushed behind you and arms wrapping around your waist. You smiled as JJ rested his chin on your shoulder, placing a little kiss to your neck.

You turned your head to look at him.

"Where have you been all day?" You asked with a smirk. He couldn't fight a grin, detaching himself from you and taking hold of your wrist.

"I got something to show ya" He said, pulling you away from the counter.

"But my sandwich-"

"Forget your damn sandwich" He interrupted, dragging you into the spare room where you two always slept. He let your arm go and stood in front of you. You had no clue what was going on.

He suddenly unzipped his shorts, making you widen your eyes.

"I could've given you a blowjob after I had lunch Jay" You huffed, watching him pull down his shorts a little before holding up his top.

...revealing a tattoo.

It was a little silhouette of a flying bird just above his v-line. It represented the freedom from JJ's abusive dad after he was taken into rehab.

He grinned at you, eager to know what you thought.

"Holy shit" You let out.

JJ's grin fell apart. "What?" He asked with worry.

"I love it!" You suddenly exclaimed, walking closer to see it properly. "That's so cool baby!"

JJ grinned again, pulling his shorts a little further down. You couldn't lie; you were kinda turned on by the sight. And he clearly knew what he was doing too.

"I'm so glad you like it" He said. You looked up at him, keeping your eyes on his as your index finger softly traced the outline of the wings. He let out a shaky breath, his eyes flicking from your eyes to your hand.

"Y/N come on" He whined.

You couldn't help but smile. It was always fun having control over him in this way.

You leaned into him so that you mouth hovered just over his ear. "I'm gonna go and eat my sandwich now" You whispered.

"Y/NNNN!" He groaned loudly, watching you walk out of the room as if nothing had just happened.

JJ Maybank ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now