Leaving for college🤍

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"Hey babe" JJ answered your call saying.
"Hey where are you?"
"I'm just at Pope's, why? Are you okay?"
"Yeah I just-I wanna talk to you"
"Uhh okay sure baby. I'll head off now"
"You're okay though, right?"
"I'm fine. Get here safely okay?" You said, your voice breaking at the end. You heard him mumble something else, but ended the call before you could hear the rest.


You watched JJ from the window as he rushed off his motorbike and towards the door of John B's chateau.

Opening the door, JJ smiled at you and pulled you in for a hug. You tightened your arms around him and nuzzled your head into his neck, your eyes filling up with tears.

JJ pulled away but kept his arms on your biceps. He frowned as soon as he saw your state.

"Why are you crying?" He desperately asked, his hands coming up to your face to wipe the tears away and push some hair behind your ears. You shook your head, pursing your lips together tightly.

"What's wrong?"

JJ looked into your eyes for answers as you closed the door, grabbing his hand and leading him to sit on John B's sofa.

He sat facing you, holding both your hands in just one of his. His thumb rubbed your skin softly as he waited for you to speak.

"I got offered a place at college" You finally let out.

JJ froze.

"I didn't-I didn't think I'd be accepted. Bad attendance and all..." You told him with a shrug. JJ brought his hand that was holding yours up to his mouth, his fingers rubbing at his cheek.

You started to play with your fingers anxiously as you waited for him to say something.

"Well congratulations baby, I'm proud of ya" He said quietly.

You smiled, letting out a soft Thankyou.

"But, uhm, which college?"

This would be the hard part. It wasn't just an hour away, or even two. It was a whole flight away. A 5 to 6 hour flight away, to be exact. This wasn't what you wanted, but there was no way you'd miss the chance to go to your dream college.

"NYU" You replied.

JJ immediately sighed, his forehead falling into his head and his eyes closing.

"I know it's a little further than we talked about-"

"A little?" He repeated, looking back up at you.

"More than a little...but JJ I have to take this opportunity, you know how long I've wanted to go to NYU" You desperately tried to explain. He listened to you, nodding slightly.

"I know I know. That's just so far away Y/N" He complained.

"You're right, but I'll come back all the time and you can even visit me. I mean you've always said you wanted to see New York"

"We can't afford to keep going back and fourth! I can barely afford a bus to the shopping centre let alone get a flight every weekend"

"I know" You said quietly, shaking your head and dropping it into your hands. You went silent, trying to come up with a way to solve this issue. But there wasn't a way. You either went, or you didn't.

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