Enough of the party🤍

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"No way!" Kie exclaimed in between fits of laughter as a tourist you and her made friends with told you guys a funny story. You chuckled lightly-it was a funny story but honestly, you were too tired to explode in laughter.

John B was throwing a party at his chateau. It was getting to the end of the night and people had started to go home.

You were feeling worn out and knew it was time for you to settle down but to be polite, you stayed up with Kie and a couple of others that were still drinking around the fire.

You took a sip of your beer and looked around for JJ.

He was sitting on the beach with Pope and John B, talking about whatever the hell those three talk about when no girls are around.

He caught your eye and smiled, tilting his head slightly. You grinned and then looked back at Kie who was being lead away into the chateau by the handsome tourist. You raised your eyebrows at her and teased her with a wink, earning a giggle and a small wave as she disappeared into the chateau.

Looking back at the fire, you sighed in half tiredness and half contentment. It was warm and relaxing but you just wanted to snuggle up with JJ and fall asleep.

Just as you took another sip of your beer, you felt arms wrap around you from behind. You smiled, immediately recognising JJ's scent-one you cant explain apart from the hint of weed.

"What are you doing here all by yourself Mrs Y/S/N" he mumbled against your neck, placing 2 soft kisses on the spot behind your ear. You hummed and closed your eyes, tilting your neck further to the side to reveal more skin for him to kiss.

"I didn't realise everyone else had gone" you told him.

It was true-you were too tired to notice the gradual decrease of the crowd around the fire.

"You wanna go to bed?" JJ asked, gently pushing a strand of hair behind your ear with his index finger before placing it on top of you hand resting on the log.

You nodded and held his hand, pushing yourself up with the help of JJ.


You were surprised to see several people still drinking and smoking as you entered the chateau, JJ's hand in yours. You headed straight for the spare room that John B always left empty for both of you, only to find 2 random tourists making out under the covers.

JJ immediately closed the door after you bit your lip and raised one eyebrow at him, walking through to where the sofa was.

Nope. Full up.

You huffed, just wanting to find a place to sleep.

"If you're really tired we can go back to my place? I'll just try and avoid my dad" JJ suggested but you shook your head straight away.

"I'm not letting you go anywhere near your dad JJ" you said, glancing at the recent cuts his father had caused on his gorgeous face. He frowned and then looked around at the messy chateau.

"No I'll be fine, you need your slee-" he began to argue before you turned towards him and put your index finger in front of his mouth.

"No" you bluntly said, refusing to risk him getting hurt.

JJ childishly tried to bite your finger before you brought it away and hit him on the chest, giggling lightly. He shot you a cheesy grin, making you roll your eyes and pull him back outside.

"Hammock?" You suggested, running out of ideas.

He pointed at it, in which you looked in the direction to see that people were sleeping on that too.

"Oh for fuck sake!" You shouted, causing John B and Pope to glance at you.

"I know" JJ stated and began heading towards John B. You followed after him, checking out his ass which is something you do regularly. "Stop checking out my ass" JJ called from in front of you, causing you to laugh loudly.

"Hey man" Pope said to JJ, and JJ responding with a "Sup bro" back.

"Y/N you look sleepy" John B stated the obvious, to which you shrugged and smiled.

Your arms found their way around JJ's waist as you leaned you head into his bicep.

"Bro can we have the keys to the van?" JJ asked.

"The spare beds taken up huh?"

You nodded.

John B took the keys out of his pocket and threw them to JJ-JJ catching them with one hand, of course. "Thanks man" he said, beginning to head towards the van.

"There's spare blankets and pillows under my bed!" John B called after you both. JJ suggested that you waited by the van whilst he ran to get the blankets and pillows. You agreed, taking the keys from him and opening the van.

You sat down and watched JJ jog inside, his blonde hair bouncing as he did so.


JJ arrived back shortly after, making you smile at his return.

"I walked in on Kie and that other dude fucking" he bluntly stated, throwing the pillows and blankets in the van. Your mouth made an "O" shape before you did a tiresome chuckle.

You and JJ set up a comfy bed and switched on the little lights John B had hanging across the roof of the van.

"Well this is cute" you said whilst undressing.

"I'm just such a romantic guy"

You laughed, moving over to sit on his lap in just your underwear. He smirked at you as your hands found their way to his hair, playing with it. He started to take off his t-shirt before you took over, pulling it over his head.

He leaned in to kiss you, his hands snaking around your waist. You smiled into the kiss before pulling away and getting off his lap, tucking yourself under the blanket.

He took off his shorts and kicked them as they went flying across the van-a typical JJ move.

You watched him try to take his shoes off, wincing at the pain of the bruises on his stomach.

Crawling over to him from out of the covers, you took them off for him, nearly placing them on the seat along with his socks.

"Your feet smell" you joked.

"Not as bad as yours" he fired back, lying down beside you.

"Shut up"

"You started it"

"My feet don't smell" you argued.

"They smell like cheese"

"You're such a liar!" You exclaimed, hitting his chest. He chuckled, pulling you into him.

"You love me though" he grinned, placing a kiss to your head. You rolled your eyes, wrapping your arms around his torso.

"I love you, yes" you said, closing your eyes.

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