-F O U R-

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It was Thursday, the fourth day since she had met Louis.
Lily got ready and went to school as usual.
When she arrived at school, she saw Mason and Ariadne already waiting for first class.

'Hey losers.' She greeted them, and Mason replied,
'Hey you idiot.'

'Where is Louis?' Lily asked, and Ariadne and Mason shot each other a glance both smirking, confusing Lily.

'Uhm guys, I'm standing right here, I can see you giving each other those looks.' She said.

'Nothing. It's just that normally, you would've asked for Monica first, and then for Louis.'
Ari answered with a smirk on her face.

'Okay...? What's up with you two?' Lily asked suspicuously, curious to know what was going on.

'Are you sure you don't like Louis?' Mason blurted out, causing Ari to punch him on his arm.

'Mace! You weren't supposed to say that!'

'Is that why you're acting so weird? Because you think I like him?'
Lily grinned. 'Well, the answer is, and will always be, no.'

Mason huffed. 'It didn't look like that the last few days.'

'Mace, I only know him for three days. You really think in that short time I will magically fall in love or something?' She raised an eyebrow.

'It doesn't matter, I ship you two hard.' He smirked.

'I hate you.'

'I hate you too!'


As time passed by, Louis didn't make an appearance yet.
Lily was a bit worried about him.
Why is he not at school? It's only his fourth day!

When they finally had their second break, she decided to text him.


Where r u
Why r u not at school
delivered, 13.15 pm.


By the time they had their next class, he hadn't answered yet.
Lily decided to not think about it too much, and just focus on class.
Maybe he was sick, and he just didn't tell her.


'Still no answer from Louis?' Monica asked, on their way to their last class.

'Nope.' She shook her head.

'Don't worry, I'm sure it's nothing.' Ari said, and Lily nodded.

After they had their last class, the four went outside.

'Hey Lil, isn't it a good idea if you make a groupchat with all five of us in it?' Mason suggested while they were walking.

'Yeah, I'll do it. If he ever answers his phone.' Lily responded, a bit pissed off by Louis.

'He will eventually, you just need to stop thinking about him.' He said, and she nodded.

'Alright, bye guys!' She waved as they parted ways, Lily on her way to the bus stop.

As soon as she got home, she checked her phone on any messages.
Surprisingly, she got one from Louis.

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