-S E V E N T E E N-

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Louis and Lily walked out the principal's office side by side, stopping when they arrive in the hallway.

'So, uh,' Lily started nervously, biting her lips and looking down to her hands.

'Do you have a ride home, or do you want me to drive you?' Louis asked as he sat down on a table.

'Well, I can call my parents, but I prefer not to tell them what happened, so...'

'What? Why not?'

'It's just- if I tell them, they'll be so overprotective they won't even let me out of the house alone. Which I understand, but I still want to be able to do things on my own, you know?'

He chuckled. 'So that means I get to drive you home?'

'If you don't want to, you don't hav-' She began.

'No, no! I want to! I mean, not in a weird way of course, just-' He stammered, seeming a bit nervous as well.

Lily let out a small laugh. 'God, no, I get it. Let me just go back to the hall to grab my stuff and say goodbye to the others, and I'll be there in five.'

'Actually, I'll join you. I haven't seen the others in a while now.'

And so, the two left to go to the hall, where they found Ariadne, William, Monica and Mason sitting around a table. They all looked up when they saw Lily and Louis nearing them.

'Hey guys, uhm, I think I'll be heading home in a few, because obviously, I'm... just tired of all the events that have happened in the last hour. So yeah, I just came to say bye.'

'Oh, of course hun, go home and relax and do whatever makes you feel good.' Ariadne stood up to hug her, which she did.

'We'll see you next week, take good care, Lil.' Monica hugged her as well.

'Do you want me to drop you off at home, or are your parents coming?' Mason asked as he embraced her.

'No, actually, Louis is driving me.' Mason pulled back as soon as he heard theother boy's name, but then he smirked for whatever reason.
'Alrighty then, I'll see ya.'

Lastly, she hugged William, who said,
'See you soon, Lils.'

'Gosh, y'all are sounding like I'm leaving for a month or so!' Lily laughed.

'Hey, we're just worried!' Ariadne called, but with a smile on her face.

'I know, I know. Love you all!" She said as she waved.

'Hey Louis!' As soon as the two had turned around, they turned back around to the group. 'Good to see you again, dude.' Mason said smiling.

Louis smiled. 'Same for you all.'

'Okay, okay, that was our lovely reunion, now can we go home?' Lily said.

'Yeah yeah, miss Impatient, I'm coming.' Louis playfully rolled his eyes as they both walked away towards the front door of the school.

As soon as they stepped outside, the cold breeze hit her skin, making her shiver.
She forgot her coat at home, and now, she was freezing. Great.

Lily hadn't noticed that Louis had noticed that she was cold.
'Are you cold?'

'No, no, I'm fine.' She answered simply.

Louis rolled his eyes. 'Lils, you're gonna freeze to death. Here,' He grabbed the sides of the hoodie he was wearing, and pulled it over his head, leaving his fluffy hair messy.
Then, he handed it to Lily, but she refused to take it.

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