-E L E V E N-

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Startled, both the girl and boy turned around, facing Lily, Ariadne and Monica.

And now, the girl's face was visible as well.
Of course, it was her.

'WHAT THE FUCK!' A loud voice came from behind the girls.
William and Mason, who had yelled, appeared. Apparently, they had also seen everything, because they looked as shocked as the girls.

'Oh mon dieu.' Lily said, a hand covering her mouth.

Louis stared at her shocked, and Madison was more annoyed they had interrupted their moment.

'Uhm, a little privacy?' She asked.

'Uhm, no. You should shut your mouth, honey.' Monica shot back, clearly not in the mood.

'Lily, I-' Louis got cut off quickly by Lily.

'And you should shut your mouth as well.'

'Lily, please, it's not what it looks like, it's nothing! It was an accident, she cornered me, I had no choice! Please, Lily, don't go away!' Louis begged.

Lily shot him a death glare, her eyes cold, and as hard as stone.
Of course, she wasn't going to show she really cared about it. But in truth, she did.

'And that, ladies and gentlemen,'
She turned around to face Ari, Moni, Mace and Will.
'...is what I call, bullshit.'
She started laughing about her own joke, her mood switching quick.

Even though it wasn't an entirely funny situation, Mason joined her laughing, while the others smiled.
They knew this was Lily's form of humor, and she used it in every situation, no matter what.

Louis, who was still standing next to Madison, took a few steps towards her, looking at her confused.

He tried to grab her hand, but as soon as he touched it, his hand got slapped away by hers.

'Don't touch me.' Lily's face turned to a poker face as she turned around to face him, giving him the same death glare.

'Lils, don't-'

'Louis, please don't ever talk to me again.' She said with a fake nice voice and a sarcastical smile plastered on her face.
Then, she turned back around, her hair flipping in his face, and walked off.

Mason, Will, Monica and Ariadne still stood there for a second. Ariadne and Monica gave him dissappointed looks, before also walking away, the other two boys following them.

'So-' Madison started, placing a hand on his shoulder, but Louis shrugged it off.

'Go away.'

Lily wanted to leave. As quick as possible.
Out of this place.

She was shocked. Even though it wasn't so shocking. Somewhere in the back of her head, she knew something like this would happen. The boy gave her bad vibes in the beginning, and she knew those were right.

She knew she shouldn't care about it as much as she did.
But still.
There was something between Louis and her. Nothing like in a relationship way of course, but they were good friends.
Not anymore.

She almost ran out of Tom's house, having no idea where to go. She just wanted to go home.
She got here with Ariadne, with the bus, but now, at 1 am, there were probably no buses driving around. Mason could actually drive her home, but she had no idea where he was.
So she just stood on the sidewalk.

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