-T W E N T Y F I V E-

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The next day, Lily was a bit nervous. She didn't know if she'd be able to avoid Louis all day long, because her friends still hung around him of course. And if she'd end up in the same space as him, how'd he act? How would she act? Like nothing ever happened- or would she try and talk to him about everything?

She was pacing around the room, too busy to notice Ariadne coming in from out of the bathroom. She only noticed her presence when she heard her sigh.

'Seriously Lily, stop being so dramatic. Just go and talk to him if you can't avoid him!'

Lily scoffed. 'Yeah, as if that's so easy. What am I supposed to say then? "I'm sorry I accidently confessed my feelings for you, could we still try to be friends even though the awkwardness has reached its maximum level!"? Or should I try "Hey, I just wanted to say I don't think it's a great idea to be friends anymore since you just fully rejected me- let's ignore each other for the rest of our school years!". Yeah, I don't think so, Ari!'

'Or, you just let him talk. Maybe he'll have something to say.' Ariadne said.

'But what if he doesn't? What are we supposed to do then?' She bit her lip.

'Just don't worry, okay? It'll be fine, you'll come up with something, some solution. I know it. Besides, you two have had some arguments before this, and you worked it out then. So it won't be much of a problem, right?'

'Yeah, I hope so.'


'So how's everything going?' William asked. Him, Monica, Mason, and Ariadne were in Mason and Monica's room. They all sat on the ground in a little circle.

'I think the plan's ready.' Ariadne answered.

'Alright, so everyone knows their role?' Mason asked, and everyone nodded.

'Okay; Will, you'll be your room, and when it's time, you'll lead Louis to the roof of the hotel. Mace, you wait there for him to act like you wanted to show him, and then you go away, telling him to wait there. Ari, you wait down by the stairs to the roof to get the sign from Mason. And I will be with Lily in her room to keep her occupied so she won't notice anything- until Ari gives me the sign so I can send her to the rooftop in time. We all meet again in this room, and all we can do then is wait and hope for the best.' Monica repeated the full plan for one last time.

It was much later in the day, around 11 in the evening. The whole day, these four had been thinking about how they could help Louis and Lily. . . Well, get together.

Lily was alone in her room, Louis in his room, both thinking their friends had gone outside.

'What's the time?' Ariadne asked.

Mason checked his phone. '11.23.'

'I think it's time.' William stood up, taking Ariadne's hand to bring her up as well.

'This is the moment,' Monica said dead serious. 'We can't ruin this.'

'Mon?' Mason frowned. Monica turned around to look at him. 'You sound like we're on some mission where we have to take a bomb out of a building or something.' He laughed.

'Mason! You've got to take this serious!' Monica hit him on his arm.

'Ouch! Okay, okay, I'm sorry.' He wrapped his arms around her waist, hugging her.

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