March 27

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I woke up the next morning as I stretched my arms and legs out. I looked towards Y/N's side of the bed and didn't see him. Did he leave? I quickly sat up and looked around in a panic. His stuff was still by the closet and I feel myself sigh.

The bedroom door was open and I can smell delicious food outside. I quickly got ready and made my way to the kitchen.

The smell of breakfast got stronger as soon as I stepped into the kitchen. Y/N and Jennie were in front of the stove cooking and laughing. I'm not sure why but I felt a pang of jealousy.

"Good morning~" I said out loud.

They both turned to me and Y/N gave me a big smile.

"Good morning birthday girl! How did you sleep?" He said as I walked up to behind him.

"Mmmm like a baby, thanks to you." I wrapped my arms around him from the back while he cooked.

"Careful, don't want the oil to hit your arm." He warned me.

"Happy birthday Lili! Go set the table while we finish." Jennie gives me a kiss on the cheek while she cooks.

"Okay~" I pucker up my lips making kissing sounds towards Y/N.

He chuckles at me and gives me a kiss before I go set up the table. When they finish cooking, Y/N brings all the food to the table while Jennie goes to get the rest of the members.

I look at what they cooked and it looks and smells delicious. There were pancakes, bacon, rolled eggs, kimchi fried rice with sunny side eggs on top, and what looks like a breakfast burrito cut in half. My stomach starts rumbling as I lick my lips.

"Don't worry, we'll be eating soon." I look up at Y/N who's grinning at me.

"Mmmmm it smells good in here!" Jisoo yelled when she came in before she came up to me for a hug. "Happy birthday Lalisa!"

"Yayyyy we're the same age again Lisa, happy birthday!!" Rosie cried out when she got to the kitchen, giving me a hug.

Y/N pulled the chair out in the middle.

"This is your chair today. Front and center for the birthday girl." He ushers me to the chair and slides it under me. "Alright let's dig in!"

"Is that a burrito?" Rosie asked.

"Yeah, a breakfast burrito. One of my favorites. You know how it is to find an authentic flour tortilla in Korea? Spent half the night trying to track one down." Y/N laughed and grabbed a half.

"You didn't get any sleep?" I asked him.

"I got a few hours. Don't worry." He smiles at me.

"If I didn't wake up to go to the bathroom this morning, Oppa would still be cooking." Jennie said as she sits down next to Y/N.

"Hey! I just wanted to make breakfast for Lisa. All your birthdays passed already. You're the one who wanted to cook for everyone." Y/N says to her and Jennie slaps his shoulder.

"We have to eat too, you know." Jennie cuts a half of the burrito into another half and grabs a piece.

"There's cereal!" He laughs at her.

Another wave of jealousy comes and I slide my hand to Y/N's. He looks at me and lifts my hand to his lips and kisses it.

We continue to eat breakfast together. The girls were asking Y/N about his new movie and who's in it. He tells us the girl who plays Princess Jasmine in the live-action Aladdin is playing opposite of him and she's a fan of ours. He also makes sure to emphasize to me that she's married and a good person. I sarcastically roll my eyes because I didn't ask.

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