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You raise one of your eyebrows and look at her curiously, waiting for her to continue.

You watch her go through many expressions as she tries to choose her next words carefully.

"Okay, look, you don't have to say anything because I know it's completely ridiculous and it's complicated..." she pauses again and hesitates to continue.

You know expressing her feelings isn't something she does often or comfortable with so you don't force her. You just wait patiently for her to continue.

"I'm... in love with you." she says to you and looks down embarrassed.

Love? Did she just say she's in love with you? You thought she just had strong feelings for you. Either way, it really makes things complicated.

After a few seconds, she looks back up at you and you give her a smile, taking her hands in yours.

"You're not surprised?" she asks and you gently shake your head.

"I kind of figured after you kept texting me every day and coming here." you tell her.

"Well I wouldn't have to come here if you didn't ignore me. And I hate how you see through me like Jisoo-Unnie does." she looks off to the side, annoyed, taking her hands away.

"I wasn't going to ignore you forever. I just needed time. Away from everything to think things through."

"You could've told me that."

She leans on the railing and watches the view outside.

"How long have you had these feelings for? If you don't mind me asking." you ask in a low voice.

Jennie looks down for a second then back out the window.

"I... don't know exactly. Probably when you were shot or when you fought to change our contracts. I mean, I've always liked you ever since we met but those feelings grew. I only realized it after the movie premiere. After that, I tried to push you away and get rid of my feelings. I can't be in love with you, Y/N. I can't do that to Lisa. Her happiness comes first for me, especially when it comes to you."

She looks up at you and sighs.

"But... I just wanted one day with you where I didn't have to think about how complicated the situation between us is, and I got that, thanks to you. So, thank you, Oppa." she tells you.

"Tomorrow, I'll go home and get it together. I know I can't keep loving someone I can't have. But I'd still like to have you in my life, even if it's with Lisa. I'm sorry if telling you this makes it more complicated." she continued.

You run through everything in your head. It pains you to know that the situation is hurting her. And it's not like it's her fault either.

"Don't be sorry, Jen. We can't help who we end up falling for. And... thank you for taking care of Lisa." you tell her. "But the situation definitely not ideal. I'm still not even sure if I should go back to Korea."

"No, please come visit Lisa and the girls. I can stay at my mom's place while you're there so it's less awkward." She shakes her head and tells you.

"Jennie... l can't let you do that. I care about you too, just as much as I care for Lisa. Only... not in the same way. Knowing you're avoiding me wouldn't make it easier. So... IF I do come visit, I want you there too. I don't care how much it annoys you."

You give her a smirk and pull her into a hug.

"Then you have to visit. If you don't, it's not just Lisa you're hurting. It's us too. And stop ignoring us. We just want to know how you're doing. We miss you... I miss you." she tells you.

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