Surprise Visit

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I woke up to my phone ringing non-stop. Feeling around on my nightstand, I eventually find my phone.

"Hello?" I groggily answer.

"Lisa? Finally! Sorry to wake you up so early!" I hear someone say in English.

"Who is this?" I ask.

"It's Nick. I'm actually looking for Y/N. He's not answering his phone and the hotel said he never came back last night so I figured I'd check here."

"Oh. Umm yeah he slept here last night. Wait did you say you're here?" I ask him.

"Uhh yeah. I'm actually outside your door." Nick tells me.

"Oh ok. I'll let you in. Wait a second."

I sit up on my bed and look around then I realize I don't remember going to my bed last night. Last thing I remember was falling asleep on the couch with Y/N.

I go and throw the blanket off me but feel my hand hit something. I look over to see Y/N asleep next to me. I stare at him for a second before I realize he must've woken up in the middle of the night and brought me here.

I remember Nick was waiting so I go and let him in the dorm.

"Thanks, Lisa. If he wasn't here I wouldn't know where else to look." Nick says as he comes in.

"It's okay. Y/N didn't say you were coming to visit. Does he know you're here?" I ask him.

"Actually, no. I got some really good news for him and I got on the next flight here to tell him." he tells me.

"Do you two ever tell people you're coming?" I mutter, remembering how many times Y/N comes here unannounced.

"Huh?" Nick looks at me confused.

"Nevermind." I shake my head at him.

"Is he awake?" he asks me.

"Not yet. Let me go wake him up."

I leave Nick in the living room and head back to my room. I slide back on the bed and gently shake Y/N.

"Y/N... Y/N..." I continue to shake him as I say his name.

It takes a couple of shakes before he stirs and I see him slightly open one of his eyes.

"Y/N, Nick is here. He said he has some news to tell you." I tell him softly.

He lifts his head and I see him scrunch his face trying to process what I just said.

"Did you say Nick is here? As in Korea?" he asks me.

"Yeah, he's in the living room."

He looks towards my door for a few seconds then back at me and nods slightly. It takes him a while to sit up on the bed, groaning in pain as he does. When he finally does, he holds his head like it hurts.

"How are you feeling?" I ask him.

"Hungover but I'll be okay." he says as he throws the blanket off him.

I notice that he's only wearing his boxers and a shirt. I instantly feel my face get warm. I look up at his face and he notices me staring.

"Sorry, I couldn't go back to sleep in my jeans last night." he says as he grabs his jeans nearby.

I look away as he puts them on. I don't know why I'm so flustered. I've seen him in less before. Plenty of times.  Now my face is feeling really warm.

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