Just One Day

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I brushed the hair out of my face as I woke up. I looked around and noticed I'm on the bed. I don't remember sleeping here last night. I just remember combing Y/N's hair with my hand. I smile just thinking about it.

Where is Y/N anyway? It doesn't look like he slept on the other side of the bed. I get up and quickly fix myself in the mirror, throw a blanket over me then go out to the living room. I see him laying down on his stomach on the couch. Aish. I told him I didn't want him sleeping on the couch but he did it anyway.

I start to get annoyed again. Seriously, how does Lisa put up with him? He rarely listens to me! Yes, Ruby Jane, let the hate flow through you, I tell myself. Get over him. You hate when people don't listen to you.

I suddenly hear him stir and hum softly, making my face soften and my heart flutter. Well, there goes my anger. I quietly scold myself and decide on cooking him breakfast.

I search his pantry and fridge for food and notice he has a lot of ramen, canned meat and jars and jars of kimchi. I smile at the thought that he's gotten so used to having kimchi that he stocked as much of it as he could.

I grabbed some ramen, eggs, Spam, and kimchi to make some kimchi ramen for breakfast. Before I could start cooking, I hear my phone ringing loudly. I quickly take it out to silence it and look towards Y/N but he didn't even seem to notice. I sigh and check my phone to see who's calling.

Seeing it was Jisoo, I quickly turned around to the door of the trailer and go outside to answer the phone.

"Unnie?" I half-whispered.

"Jendeuk! Yah! Why didn't you answer my texts?! Where are you? Are you with Oppa?" she yelled into the phone.

"Yes, I'm here with him. He's sleeping still." I tell her while looking around.

It's nice out. The sun's shining and there's a small breeze so I wrap the blanket around me tighter. Across the street on the other side of the parking lot is the entrance of the zoo. I can already see people lining up in front of the closed zoo.

"Ah how is he? Is he eating well?" she asks.

"He's... okay. He seems tired. He says he's been sleeping a lot and based on what he has in his pantry, he's not eating that well. I was actually about to cook him breakfast." I tell her.

"Did he agree to come back?"

"Not yet, Unnie. I'm still trying to convince him."

"Okay, well let me know if you want me to call and yell at him. I'll get my throat ready." she tells me.

"I will. How's Lisa doing?" I ask.

"She's okay. She's working with Teddy-Oppa. She slept in my bed last night too because Chaeng-ah wouldn't sleep early. You didn't tell her before you left, did you?"

"No, Unnie, I didn't. I'll let you know what he says." I tell her.

We hang up and I quietly sneak back in the trailer to start breakfast. I start preparing all the ingredients as quietly as I could and managed to finish cooking without waking Y/N up.

I opened some of the windows to vent some of the smell before walking up to him on the couch. I gently sit down next to him and have the urge to comb my hand through his hair again.

Just one day with him, Lili. Let me have just one whole day with him and then you can have him forever.

I comb his hair one more time and caress his cheek before I wake him up.

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