Visiting Family.

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A/N= Hey!! Thanks so much if you got this far. So, I had originally been planning on doing on story for each episode, but true crime is a bit awkward, since I dont want to simply copy/paste the episode into word format, so I will probably just summarize true crime. Thanks!!

Shane had been awake all night, pretty full of energy, though admittedly it wasn't demonic. He had been up all night thinking about what TJ had said, then of course, dinner with Ryan had also included Helen, which he was fine with. Really. It's just... He just wasn't sure what to think now. He just lay there on his bed from 8:30 the night before, until 6:30 when he had to get ready for work. He was so lost in thought he almost missed his alarm buzzing. He didn't, thankfully, and went to shower to attempt to clear his mind before he left for the day. He grabbed clothes, and walked to his restroom, where he turned on the shower and closed the door. He pulled off his shirt, and pants, and checked with his hand before he entered the shower. It was warm, and he relaxed. He was still thinking about Ryan, duh, but the water had at least calmed his roaring thoughts more to a conversational level. This time, he didn't miss the sound of his bathroom door getting a soft tapping. He froze, the water now dripping down his face as he turned in the direction of the door. "Who is it?" Shane asked cautiously. He hadn't told Ryan which apartment was his, and he hadn't given anybody a key. Not even TJ. He was very cautious about locking his door, since the last thing he needed was Ryan or Andrew or anyone else he was friends with walking in on Demon Shane. Shane waited for an answer, but nothing came. Shane could hear faint breathing on the other side, like someone was holding their breath. The knock sounded one more time, then Shane heard footsteps walking away. He quickly rinsed out the soap in his hair and turned off his no longer relaxing shower. He snatched a towel and looked out into his bathroom. No one there. Shane slid a foot out, and then his other. He looked down, and there on the floor, was a small envelope. Shane dried himself off, then picked it up. He flipped it over, and swore under his breath. His father was an old fashioned man. He loved himself a wax seal, and sure enough, when Shane flipped over the letter, there sat a wax seal. It was a lopsided square, almost diamond like, with the picture of a bleeding eye inside. Not like blood tears from the eye, instead like the iris and pupil were melting into a black as the eye was covered in shadow. Shane shivered at the thought. He wondered if his looked like that. Like someone was melting the brown humanity away to revel this proud, malignant color that stirred underneath. He broke the seal, shattering the eye in half, and opened the letter. Shane pulled out the paper inside, and looked at it. He read through it quickly, each passing word causing him to grip the page tighter in anger-
Dearest Son,
This is your father speaking. I was told you were... unable to agree to my request of returning when I sent that lower demon you infatuate with. So I let it slide, sending your old friend Ritchy back to see you. No, it wasn't Ritchy, maybe... Riley? Or maybe it was Ryan? Oh...Ricky. All of your interests get confused in my head sometimes. Well, when he also came back alone, I was forced to write this letter. You know how much I hate writing. I request that you return home. Now, preferably. We have much to discuss, and I am desperate to see my favorite son again.
Come Soon,
Dear Old Dad.
P.S. I hope you don't mind, but I took the liberty of ensuring your likelyhood to come. See you soon!

Shane's dark blood ran cold. None of what his father said gave him any hope. He got dressed, and went to work, as normal. He couldn't shake the nerves... What did his father mean by "ensuring his likelyhood to come"? Was Ryan in danger? At the thought, Shane picked up his pace until he was jogging to work. When he got there, his face lit up to see Ryan's. He was safe. He and Ryan chatted, since they were filming some True Crime today. They walked to the room, and talked. Shane felt his nerves from earlier fade with each step as they walked to the room. It wasn't until they got there that Shane and Ryan noticed something was up. Mark was scrambling around between cameras, and Ryan paused.
"Where's TJ?"
Shane's hearts stopped, and even before Mark answered with an "I don't know" Shane did know. "Ensuring your likelyhood of coming back soon!"


Shane slipped through the portal back to his father's home, anger pulsing through him as he felt his wings flap and rise him into the air. He flew through the stagnant, humid air as demons below couldn't help looking up in surprise as their prince flew overhead, but he was solely focused on the castle. He had to be. The longer he was here, the more he felt his human side that he had worked so hard to keep fading away. He could feel the urge of staying strengthening. He shook his head in flight. He was here for someone... Someone he had to kill? No... Friend... Shane tried to focus himself on something human. He fell on Ryan. He simply kept that picture as he landed in front of the castle. The demons that stood there raised their weapons, but Shane smacked the demons away in a heartbeat. He pushed through the door, feeling it blast of its hinges and slam against the far wall. He tried not to show the surprise that came to him. He went through the opening, and found three figures waiting at the end. His uncle, dark wings held close, TJ, who looked horrified and was holding his chained hands close to his chest, and his father, a man who let both sets of wings set relaxed on him, and his goat-like horns twisting around his head. The man had light skin, like Shane, but his hair was bleach white, and his eyes were the same white color. No iris. No pupil. Just white. Shane's father smiled a sharp toothed grin, and wrapped the chain that sat around his fingers closer slightly. TJ was pulled forward with a startled and frightened squeak. Shane felt the growl rising, but kept his temper in check. He simply glared at his father.
"My dear son. Welcome home."

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