To London!

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Shane stared at Ryan as the tanned man stared at his computer screen and edited the previous day’s video. They had been in the air for only a small amount of time, long enough for Ryan to pull out his computer and shove his headphones on to block out the noise. Shane thought back on their conversation…
    “Shane, what does this mean?” Ryan had asked him after Shane had finished explaining what Sara had told him the night previous.
    “I… I don’t know yet. Luciel is complicated.”
    “You said your family was trying to bring you home.”
    “They are. Luciel and I aren’t close. I can’t imagine he would be doing anything to help me.”
    “No?” Ryan had asked with a nervous look. Shane hated that look, because it meant he hadn’t protected Ryan as well as he should have.
    “No. Especially not when my father is home to remind him where his loyalty lies.”
    “Oh… So what do we do next?”
    “We wait.”
    “Wait?” Ryan had asked again, his eyes still searching for answers in Shane’s eyes.
    “Whatever Luciel is doing, he’s smart. If I go looking for him, I may end up having to deal with two demons.”
    “We.” Ryan had repeated. “We may end up having to deal with two demons. It’s not just you anymore.”
    “But I-”
    “No Shane, I am in your life now, and that means we work together.”
    “I-” Shane paused, looking at his brave little human with admiration. “Okay.”
    “What do you think he is doing?”
    “Luciel?” Shane had asked, Ryan had nodded. “He’s watching.”

Shane leaned against the plane window, thinking. Whatever Luciel was watching them for, he hadn’t finished yet. However, Shane wasn’t going to go and poke a bear. He and Ryan had agreed, don’t anger Luciel because Ricky needed to go first. God, Ricky. It was hard to even think about the potential danger Luciel posed because Ricky had decided to invade Ryan’s body and Ryan was willing to keep him just to stay with Shane. The shorter- and a couple thousand years younger- man was terrified at the notion of demons or ghosts in any house they went to, but here he was, willing to share his body with dick-face Ricky just for Shane. 

“He is simply getting his emotions confused with mine. Poor thing. The minute I’m gone, then Ryan will realize what you truly are, and he will cower.”
Shane spasmed in his seat, bumping his head into the top of the window, and immediately moving a hand to hide a horn that was angrily poking through as a reaction to the pain. Ryan, who was asleep in the seat beside him and leaning on his shoulder, groaned softly in his sleep and rolled away. Shane could see the headphones still sitting haphazardly on his head, and Shane gently pulled them off to set them down. Ryan only grumbled a soft response and stayed asleep. Shane smiled at him, even with the cabin lights dimmed for sleep, Shane could see Ryan’s soft facial expression clearly, his eyes had small wrinkles from years of smiling, and it hit Shane for the first time that, at some point hopefully far in the future, Ryan would die and Shane would not. Shane didn’t know if he was ready for that yet. He had already been alive and alone so long, but the thought of having to go back after Ryan was gone, it scared Shane. It was like he had been wandering the desert by himself for years, and had suddenly stumbled into the most beautiful paradise the world had to offer, but it was all going to leave him as quickly as it had come. Shane wasn’t ready to go back to that. He didn’t think he ever would be. Shane tried to shake himself from his thoughts, instead focusing on Ricky. He stole Ryan’s computer, and guessed Ryan’s password in two tries. BeefBoi22 was decidedly not the best password. After another quick glance at the sleeping man beside him, Shane went to Google, and searched for churches that handled exorcisms. Shane wasn't planning on leaving Ryan, but he also wasn't gonna have Ricky third-wheel their entire life. Beside him, Ryan twitched, causing Shane to jump. He looked over again, and Ryan's face was now one that held worry and a touch of fear in it. Ryan spasmed again. Shane reached out with his hand and placed it in Ryan's hair, getting soothing it down before petting him gently. A bit of worry faded from his face and he leaned closer to Shane in his sleep. Shane leaned closer as well, and let Ryan's head fall to his shoulder, where Shane stopped petting and reached to his side to hold Ryan close. Maybe a couple hours of sleep wouldn't hurt… 

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