Vulture Mine.

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"You've really outdone yourself this season."
"Yeah," Ryan answered, staring at the carcasses of what used to be a thriving town. "I just kinda looked into places that would make me wanna die and... I think this checks that box."
"Yep. It's pretty imposing. I think you nailed it." Shane answered with his usual calm indifference. Inside though, Shane was looking around wildly. He wasn't the smartest guy- or demon- on earth, but he wasn't dumb enough to think being out in the open like this was a great idea. He had already noticed how distant Ryan was being as he walked around to find a spot for the history of this place. Shane had noticed him talking earlier, though in his human form, his hearing was useless, so he had no idea what Ryan had been talking into his phone about. Hell, maybe it was a video diary or something. Shane didn't push anything right now. His shorter friend had been going through some shit, obviously, but Shane kept picking up something. Some weird, but oddly familiar energy. Not familiar in a good way either. Ryan's vibe had dulled too. So the demon was giving his friend plenty of room to cope. This was what TJ had recommended, anyways. Ryan seemed to finally settle on a spot and set up a couple chairs, then sat down and Shane followed suit.
"Shane, you've always told me that in a fantasy world where ghosts exist- Your words, not mine-"
"Fantasy," Shane said, with the air of a prick, "yes."
Ryan snorted a little, "-that the only place that would be haunted is a mine."
Shane nodded a little. It was true, Shane consistently found more spirits in mines and the ghost towns surrounding it were the most haunted places around. "Yeah. Seems like a lot of misery, lot of suffering. And people get trapped in them." Shane said, remembering once when he had had to get the spirit of a man who had died in a collapsed tunnel out. It ended up involving a punch, a dog, and a lesson Shane had learned from an old monk in England. "So if ghosts were real I'd put my money on mines."
"Hm, okay. Maybe you'll get lucky then. Season premiere," Ryan pulled out his flashlight and turned it on as it faced Shane's eyes. Shane covered them quickly, both to shield them from the light, and hide the gold that seeped through from the surprise.
"Did I just blind you?" Ryan said, casting the light casually over Shane's face again as he rubbed his eyes back to brown.
"Yeah, man!"
"Good, good, good. It'll give you the vision."
"Okay..." Shane said, laughing with one hand still on his face. He moved it down after a moment, pretty sure the color was natural. He look directly at Mark, who gave him a small thumbs up as Ryan talked.
"We got the cars over there, some bushes here. Let's get on with it."
"Okay. Just don't shine you light in my face again." Shane said.
Ryan flicked the beam back into his face. "What was that?"
"Stop it."


The place was truly fascinating, with plenty of ghosts to talk to Shane about history while they walked through. However, Shane kept having to tell the group to pause as he would answer texts from Sara. She seemed especially concerned about how things were going. Checking up to make sure they were okay, and sending a barrage of texts if Shane didn't answer quickly enough. She was worried, he could tell, but about what, he didn't know. He tried to ignore it though as they walked through their tour. Bug after bug flew into Shane's face, aiming towards the interesting light that Shane held. Honestly, it didn't make sense. If the bugs wanted the light, then they shouldn't be nocturnal beings. Logic. Although, it didn't seem like logic was at the forefront of the miniature minds as the collided with Shane and his light, quite a few dying on impact. Shane kinda had that effect on insects. If they hit him directly, they would burn up. It was one of the few things Shane was unable to hide in his human form. Shane wondered if he was smoking now as they made their way back through where they had been to collect any of the stuff they had left or forgotten. Ryan had gone back to the car with Mark, and Shane was helping TJ set up, while helping a couple unhappy spirits leave for their respected homes. He had been brushing up on basic spirit sending. He had never bothered before with sending them to heaven, only if pertained directly to Shane did he send them, but now... Well, the human nature had changed his mind. So as he walked through with TJ, who was oddly silent, he let a couple spirits go on and pass and then began his merry way back. That's when TJ stopped him.
"Look, I have to confess something to you." TJ said, his tone hushed but urgent.
"You can't freak out."
"I think Ryan shined his light at you on purpose."
"Yeah. He did that last time." Shane answered, but TJ just shook his head.
"Every time."
"Why do you think that?"
"Once he did, he barely took his eyes off you, more specifically, your eyes. He looked like he was watching for something. It's not the first time he has stared at you before, but-"
"Wait, it isn't?"
"No, anyways-"
"Do I stare at him?"
"All the time, now focus. He-"
"But," Shane said, flustered. "I am focused."
"Just shut up and listen. I didn't think much of it at first, until I could see you eyes, which were gold laced, peeking through your hands. The camera didn't see it, there was too much glare, but Ryan-"
"He can't be suspicious. He would tell me, and he certainly wouldn't be so nonchalant about me being around if he suspected the truth."
"I guess you're right, though he has been acting differently. I mean, word has spread at this point about Helen..."
"Yeah..." Shane said, a twinge of worry seeping into his tone.
"But it's more than grief... he seems like he is distracted."
"I knew he had been acting odd, but I haven't ever gone through a break up, so I just figure it has something to do with his distractedness."
"Yeah... you're right."
"Of course I am." Shane teased, walking towards the cars. Ryan was outside the car, however, talking on his phone, and TJ crept forwards. Shane went to fuss, then he realized that Ryan was actually having a conversation... with no one around.
"Yes, I thought it was weird too, but there wasn't anything definitive....... No, I can't exactly trust the one memory on the subject..... Then what do you suppose I do?"
Shane couldn't help himself as he stood out from behind the car and cleared his throat.
"Hey." Ryan answered, a bit startled, but making it well.
Shane gave TJ a "you win" look, then focused his gaze back on Ryan again. "You ready to go?"
"Yeah. Let's do it."
Shane nodded, and got in the car, his confusion leading to sleep as the bumpy road underneath him bounced him softly to sleep.

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