Returning Home.

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"My dear Son, welcome home." Shane's father's voice was smooth. Honestly, the man was very handsome. You had to be when your whole job was to convince people to come down here. Shane took a step forward. "Now, I believe we have some business to discuss?"
"Leave them alone." Shane growled.
His father looked at TJ in mock surprise, as if he hadn't noticed that the human was there previously.
"Really? This is the hill you're gonna die on? Honestly, Shane. You could do better."
"Not your choice."
"Very well, very well. I see my time away has done nothing to soothe that temper."
Shane flared his wings, ready to flap them, when his father tightened the chains around TJ. Shane stopped, his gold eyes full of concern. His father simply smiled at him. "Now, my son. I believe I have your attention, do I not?"
"You have it." Shane answered, his voice dripping with venom.
"Wonderful. Now, the reason for your visit. I'm retiring. The human world is too much fun not to be there myself, and the king needs to be here more often than I would like. Of course I shared my burdens with dear Luciel, but I still am required to return here more than I would desire. So, I want you to take over this half for me."
"No." Shane said, his voice struggling to maintain its confidence as he shook internally.
"Not really an option. You want your friends to be safe? You want them to be able to go to these places and not get attacked? All you have to do is stay here. Or hell, bring your friends down here. Let then see you as you truly are."
"Fuck. You." Shane growled.
His father's smile faltered, and he stood up. He began to walk forward, dragging TJ behind him. Shane instinctively took a step back.
"You don't get a choice. Do you hear me? I am ordering you to do this. I am your father, you selfish prick. I ask you for something and you do it." He and Shane now stood maybe two feet away from each other, facing off. Shane locked eyes briefly with TJ, and his father noticed. "Let me phrase it differently. Either you stay, or I make those surface friends of yours live a life of complete hell. I can do that. I can have them come down here after death too. You know I can. All you have to do to stop it is stay."
Part of Shane thought the answer was easy. Stay and keep his friends safe. Another part of him wanted to stay, however selfish. The rest of him knew the truth. His father would never leave the people who caused his son to do this alone. He would poke and prod and investigate why the hell they could do that. Shane opened his mouth to answer, when TJ got there first. "Shane." He said, his voice shaking. "Don't stay. Please come back..."
His father tugged tighter on the chain to shut him up, but Shane had heard what he needed. He grabbed the chain with one hand, and with the other, punched his father in the face. Shane knew he couldn't fight dear old dad, but that gave him enough time to grab TJ and fly into the air. Shane was fast, and could hear his father yelling angrily as he flew towards the portal. He flew them home.


Shane sat on his couch with TJ, who had a steaming cup of coffee in his hands and a blanket over his shoulders. "I'm so sorry, Teej. I should've been smarter. I was so stupid to think that my father wouldn't care. He has been dropping hints about staying for years. I should've seen it. Fuck..." Shane kept rambling, which was getting to be a habit with him, until TJ snapped him out of it.
"Are you okay?"
Shane paused, and he realized he had been pacing. "What do you mean?"
"You just cut off your way home. There is no way your dad will let you come home. Did you have any friends there?"
"Brent, but I think he was sent on mission. Besides, he and I haven't really chatted in a while, so-"
"Brent is a demon too!?" TJ asked, surprise filling his features.
"I thought you knew!?"
"No. Asshat." TJ laughed, and soon Shane joined in. He has definitely made the right call.
TJ ended up crashing at Shane's, and the two talked for quite a while. TJ didn't talk about how he got caught, and Shane didn't ask. The next morning, Shane and TJ went to work, making up some excuse about being sick yesterday. They kept filming for true crime through the rest of the month, and after they had filmed the finale, Ryan pulled Shane aside.
"So, supernatural is next."
"Let's do it." Shane said, and Ryan grinned. TJ walked out before Shane could catch him, so he walked with Ryan. "You wanna catch that end of season drink?"
"Let's do it." Ryan said in a mocking Shane voice. Then he wheezed and went to grab his stuff. Shane liked seeing Ryan like that, though admittedly he had been a bit off recently. Shane simply pushed the thought away and walked to the nearby bar with Ryan in tow. It was nice, and Shane was glad he was home.

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