Something New.

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Shane and Ryan had finished up the season of Supernatural, and had started True Crime. This meant that they weren't traveling, and Shane ended up having a few more dates with Sara. He quite enjoyed her company, often times falling over himself uncharacteristically when she was around. He was beginning to grow very confused. He knew he liked Ryan, but Ryan was in a relationship, and Shane was not great at waiting to see what would happen. It also just felt wrong, hoping that Ryan and Helen would break apart and Shane would be able to swoop in and save him. The idea felt so awful, that Shane was glad that Sara was there. At first, she had been an amusing distraction from his Ryan problems, but as time wore on, he was starting to notice he was actually attracted to her. Still, even the feeling of being interested in a girl again felt like a wound being picked at. He would often find himself sitting at his desk, thinking about Ruth, his ex. He had been remembering how that human had said she would love him no matter what, and how she had threatened to exorcise him. She had told him that she would never- could never leave him, and how she had ran away at the sight of his golden eyes. She had told him he was always welcome, that he would never be tossed aside, and then had pleaded with him to leave. He couldn't even be mad. After all, who could love a monster like him? TJ and Steven and Andrew and Mark only had a matter of time in Shane's mind until they saw who he was. It was just that simple. Occasionally, he would think about how TJ had seen a lot of it: met his father, been to his father's home, been kind and cool about Shane's true identity, and had never minded being Shane's friend through that. Granted, TJ was the exception, not the rule, as Shane has learned. He wondered back to Sara. What would she think? She was a skeptic, as Shane claimed to be. Maybe she would handle it the way TJ had. Or maybe it would be Ruth all over again. Shane rubbed his temple. Why were people so complicated?


"Anyways, my parents had this pet cat for forever, and his name was Señor Whiskers, but when they got a second cat, Babe Ruth or something, Whiskers ran off. We all assumed he had died. Then, two years later, we find out our neighbor was taking care of the cat. We went over to him, and mentioned something about it, and the man went, "Oh, this is your cat? I have been tryna figure out whose it was for almost two years." So ofcourse he lets us take our cat back, and we go off. The other cat had also run off, and had gotten hit by my dad's car ironically when we were looking for it, so Señor Whiskers just moved right back in. Although he was never an indoor cat again, he was indoor and outdoor, since he still liked to visit our neighbor. After that, we start getting talked to by everyone in our small neighborhood. Everyone knew Señor Whiskers. They all had different names for him, but at one point or another, that cat has come into their homes and bunked for a couple of nights. It became the running joke that he was the neighborhood's owner, and we just borrowed his property. Señor Whiskers seemed to think that too." Sara finished her story, chuckling lightly, and showed Shane a picture of a black cat with white paws and a white nose. "When he died, we buried him at the entrance to our driveway, and there are always flower on the grave now."
Shane smiled. It had been an odd story, but since Sara told it, Shane was okay with it. He had started the conversation with a story about a dog he had owned that had gotten stuck in a snowstorm and had found its way back home anyways. The story was from years ago, Shane thought maybe Civil War era, but Sara had liked it. Shane had walked her home after work that day, and was currently sitting in her apartment talking with her. She had an apartment very different from Shane's. It was covered in quotes and pictures. Colorful walls popped off a redwood floor, and her couch was a soft blue against the purple walls surrounding it. Shane didn't mind it all that much. He had been much more open than normal, after having made a decision about telling Sara. He wanted things to become more serious before he confessed. He knew he would have to eventually, but he figured that if it happened now, it would be too awkward. If it happened too late, then trust would be shattered. So Shane had decided a date. If they were still going steady at five months, Shane would tell her. Five months wasn't that long of a wait. He could make it.

AN: Sorry, this one is a bit short, got like, no sleep, so I am sleeping now. Goodnight 😴😴

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