Sleepless Night.

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"Y-you summoned Luciel?"
"I-I thought... I was upset, and I thought about calling you and ranting to you, but at the time I was out of town with my mom's funeral. Then I went walking, and found this old ass book that had a summoning charm thing in it and I used it to call you over. I was hurting, and just needed you. It was hard to put up the visage of not missing you. I really did- A part of me still does- but I wanted you to be happy. I know it was wrong. I know it was. I'm sorry."
"So I used the summoning thingy, and next thing I knew I was looking at this dude with mid-length black hair and a dark suit. He said he was Luciel, and then he thanked me for my help, and took off."
"He left?!"
"Yeah, just walked out the door."
Shane placed as Sara finished her story. He didn't blame her, hell even he had had some difficult nights since their breakup, but he hadn't known how much pain she had been in. How fucked up he had left her. He felt terrible. However, his brain was quite preoccupied with the idea that Lucoel was back, and it had to have been for a while. It didn't make sense. Why hadn't Luciel come knocking? What was his big plan? With every thought, Shane's feet paced back and forth until Sara stopped him.
"What can I do to help?"
"Nothing, Sara." Shane gave her a smile to let her know he wasn't angry. "Thank you for telling me, but if Luciel hasn't come to see me yet, then I don't want to go looking."
"Why not?"
"Because one demon is bad enough."


Sara fell asleep soon after, a but fitfully, but asleep nonetheless. Shane, however, did not. He stayed up late, his computer screen casting an odd glow over him as he watched the videos. If Luciel was here, he might have been caught on camera, but after four episodes and the clock reading 4:56 a.m., Shane was doubting his theory. He rubbed his eyes for the umpteenth time, and paused their Pennhurst video. Shane felt like a thousand things had been dropped on him at once: Ricky, Sara, Ryan, the potential excorcism Ryan was wanting, the deal Ricky posed, and now Luciel. Shane closed his laptop, running a hand through his hair and between his horns. He laid down on his bed, but his eyes stayed open, staring at the ceiling as if the answer were written there somewhere. He laid there thinking until his alarm buzzed and he stood up to get dressed. Shane was grateful his demonic nature caused him to always look tired, because if he had been human, he might have looked dead. His eyes were dull, dark bags resting underneath, and almost pale skin settled under messy hair. God, did he always look like this? He just splashed some water on his face, before going to get dressed and he went to the living room. Sara was still konked out. Shane didn't wake her, instead fixing a breakfast that he remembered her liking, and getting a coffee for the walk to work. He didn't wake her even as he left, setting a plate down in front of her and walking out the front. He kept a steady pace, sipping his coffee as he walked up to Buzzfeed and saw Steven at the door. He waved tiredly, and Steven walked up to him on the sidewalk.
"How is she?" Steven asked, then looked at Shane. "Jesus, how are you?"
"Sara is fine, still sleeping since these are her days off. I always look like shit."
"You do, but no where near this bad."
"I didn't sleep a lot."
"What happened?"
"It's a long story." Shane answered, rubbing his temple.
"We can chat later, Ryan said you had one more video to film before you two go."
"Thanks Steven." Shane answered, running off from Steven before the newly taken man could say another word. He jogged through the doors and past his desk when he saw that Ryan wasn't at his. He went to their usual filming place, and felt a rather large portion of himself forget whatever it was he was so worried about, just to look at the dark hair that waved over his head -better taken care of then Shane's own-, his beautiful dark skin, small but well-built form leaning over his folder that he insisted on having for dramatic flare. Shane could have melted right then and there, but he shook his head, and opened the door. Ryan looked up, and his eyes twinkled with delight and recognition at seeing Shane's face, and his heart fluttered. He wondered if that giddy feeling of a crush ever faded, after all, technically Ryan wasn't his crush anymore, but his boyfriend. Ryan stood and walked over to Shane, pulling Shane's head down and giving him a soft peck on the lips. Shane smiled at him, trying to remember what on earth he had been so worried about, but his brain never really did function properly around Ryan.
"Shane?" Ryan asked, walking back to sit at the table in view of the cameras. "You coming?"
"Huh? Y-yeah!" God, maybe it was the lack of sleep, but that really didn't make sense either, Shane didn't need sleep. He felt a little low on energy, even that wasn't bad. He walked over to the table and sat down, TJ and Mark giving them the thumbs up to start talking, and after reaching over to squeeze Shane's leg gently in a silent "we'll talk later" way, began talking to the camera.
"This week on Buzzfeed Unsolved we'll be investigating the Roswell incident. The biggest UFO cover up of all time, or, just the biggest misunderstanding..."

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