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Shane held Ryan close as his partner slowly came back into control. Luciel stood a couple of steps back, trying to give them some semblance of privacy while also being close enough in case Ricky returned. Ryan groaned.
"What happened?"
"Ricky." Shane answered, pulling Ryan closer a little so he could better hold him.
"Is everyone alright?"
"Yeah. We are all okay, Ry." Shane glanced to Ryan's arm, and the scratches that marred the beautiful coffee colored skin.
"It looks worse than it is, I think." Ryan encouraged. His eyes were still a bit wild, but they were focused pretty intently on Shane, and that seemed to be anchoring him a little.
"Either way, let's get back to the hotel."
"What about Luciel?"
Shane paused, glancing back at his uncle. A part of him still wasn't sure. He had seen what the demon could do, but Luciel had never been to the surface. It was entirely possible he was like Shane, and being here had given his hearts a reason it keep beating.
"I will follow, and watch over you in case danger rises."


Shane was tired, this whole trip had kept him hyper-aware of everything around him. He kept that way most of the trip, and even going back, he was more uncomfortable on the plane flying home than he had been in a very long time. He tried to distract himself, writing for the Hot Daga and watching shows with Ryan, but he couldn't seem to relax. When the plane landed, even though Shane was in the back of the plane next to the window, Shane leaped from his seat. He slammed his head into the overhead compartment and swore softly. Ryan giggled, and Shane felt a little tension ease. He still practically climbed over the other passengers to get out before he lost his shit. Ryan and the others simply followed behind, Mark being the poor soul that had to grab Shane's stuff that he had left as well as his own. Shane was waiting by the baggage claim when the others found him, watching the luggage as the others made their way to him. Ryan smiled as he took his suitcase, and Shane began to fill him in on the plan.
"Luciel has already gotten an agreement with Father Thomas, so we need to go there first."
"We aren't stopping to drop our stuff off?"
"We caaan..." Shane said, a bit unhappy. The sooner Ricky was gone, the sooner his Rya- the sooner Ryan was safe.
"We will, besides, you and I need to have a couple of chats."
"Okay. What did I do?"
"Nothing, Shane." Ryan smiled. "We just need to talk."
"Okay." Shane said, happy to talk to Ryan any day of the week. TJ and Mark had already walked off by this point, and as Ryan and Shane got to their car, Luciel landed in front of them.
"I take it we will be visiting Gary Thomas?"
"Yeah, but we are going to go home first."
"Very well, I will alert him of your immanent arrival." And with that, Luciel flapped off again, leaving them almost as if he had never been there. Ryan shook his head.
"I will never get used to that."
"Don't worry, you will." Shane said, smiling and pressing his lips briefly to Ryan's, before getting in the passenger and strapping in. Ryan got in and clicked his seatbelt into place, then turning on the car. Shane leaned into his seat. He still wasn't amazingly comfortable, but this was much better. Ryan pulled out of the parking lot, and flipped his turn signal.
"So, Shane."
"So, Ryan."
Ryan turned, accelerating as he got on the road.
"I want you to move in with me."
"Y-You do?"
Ryan smiled as he drove.
"Yes. Very much so."
Ryan turned again, the clicking of the signal almost lost in Shane's surprise.
"Really? You want to?"
"Ryan, I wanna spend as much time with you as I can, as cheesy as that sounds."
"It is a bit cheesy."
"And I'm glad you feel the same."
Ryan smiled, slowing the car for a red light.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
And Shane really did. He remember back to before, when he had first met Ryan, and the him that he remembered seemed almost foreign. Like he was watching the movie of someone else. It didn't seem right. He liked what Ryan did to him. He liked the way that Ryan made him feel. He liked to feel, and he prayed that when this was all said and done, Ryan would feel the same. He sat quietly, pensive about the future at stake as they neared Ryan's. It was only when they stopped the car, that Shane was jerked from his thoughts, and he got out to help Ryan with his stuff.
"Get yours too." Ryan said.
"Get your stuff too, Shane. You said yes to move in with me, remember?"
"Y-Yeah!" Shane said, and snatched his stuff from the trunk before following Ryan inside.
"So, do you think we should look for a new apartment? Mine is a little small, but it could work." Ryan asked as they sat their things down.
"Mine is a little bigger, if you want to move there."
"You know, I don't think I have ever been to your apartment."
"Yeah, that was on purpose."
"Asshole. I get the feeling that you never decorated any of it."
"God, whatever will I do with you?"
"I wouldn't go around asking God, he would just say to ditch me for the next model."
Ryan laughed.
"Yeah, he seems a bit rude."
"Well, I never met the guy, but you probably aren't far off."
"Either way, let's set down our stuff and get ready to go."
Shane nodded.
"Are you ready?"
Ryan paused for a quick moment, and Shane watched his mind spin wildly. Then, his jaw set firmly.
"Yeah, I think I am."

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