Final act.

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Shane felt his whole world twist as Luciel opened a door and shoved Shane through with two minutes to spare. He prayed that he never had to set foot in that place again. Luciel stepped through after Shane, and closed the door, leaving the two breathless and thankful. Shane looked around, quickly recognizing the layout around him. "This is Paris." Shane said with a surprised expression.

"I'm not surprised. There is probably a ley line somewhere near here." Luciel said calmly, brushing himself off. 

"I don't really care why we are here." Shane said a bit grumpily, his emotions slow to return. "All I care about is that we aren't close to Ryan."

"Right. I suppose that we should fly." 

"Let's do it." Shane said with a grunt. 


The flight back was a pain, mainly them trying to avoid planes and birds. The sky had become so busy in the past 200 years. By the time they had reached L.A., Shane's emotions had come back in full force, allowing him to feel just how badly he missed Ryan. How badly he wanted to see that copper, ghost-hunting, short, adorable man. When they landed in front of Ryan's apartment, Shane could see Ryan's car a bit away, and knew he was home. He walked up to the door, and knocked on it. No answer. Worried something might have happened to him, Shane knocked again, only louder. Still, there was no answer. Shane tested the knob, only to find it locked. Ryan? Shane called out in his head, reaching out for the warm fuzzy feeling of Ryan's brain, normally mixed with thoughts of Buzzfeed and popcorn. Slowly, a groggy response formulated. Snahe?

Shane laughed, Hey, how about letting a guy in every once and a while?

The voice sharpened. Oh my god, Shane!

There was the sound of heavy footsteps, a loud thud, then more footsteps, then finally the door opened to reveal a tired, sleep deprived Ryan. He looked awful, if Shane looked back on it, but right then, Shane thought he was the most handsome man on Earth. He scooped up Ryan and their lips clashed. A long, slow, chasing kiss ensured, neither wanting to pull away in case the other disappeared. After a long moment, Shane's hands found Ryan's and held tightly, and the two felt safe enough to pull away, instead pressing their foreheads to each others and smiling uncontrollably. Then Ryan frowned, and pushed Shane away, an angry expression dawning. 

"You left me!"

"But I came back!"

"After two weeks!"

"After- Huh??!" Shane said, confused.

"But your back now..." Ryan said, his face torn between anger, relief, sadness, happiness, and overall glee that Shane was back. Finally, the positive feelings outweighed the bad ones, and Ryan pulled Shane back for another soft kiss. Shane returned it, then pulled away to face Luciel, who looked like he wished to be anywhere but here. 

"I am happy for you, Shane. Now we must continue, before your father has time to formulate another plan."


Ryan let Shane and Luciel inside, and Luciel explained the rest of the plan. They had to tie Shane's demonic side here on Earth. It had to be something or someone important to Shane, or it wouldn't work. Of course, Ryan's hand shot up, claiming it was dumb to think Shane had any other strong attachments. Luciel and Shane agreed, and Luciel carved a small circle on the floor using salt. Then he asked Ryan to step inside, and poured the blood into the circle. The blood moved, spreading to look like there was much more there then there could have been, and covering the ground inside the circle. Luciel began to speak small Latin phrases, and after a moment, a trickle of the blood seeped upwards onto Ryan, climbing to his chest, where it made a pentagram, Shane saw another trail break the circle, and head for him, climbing through his burned shirt and to his own chest, where it made an identical pentagram and burned into his skin. Once the ritual was over, Luciel explained that this was a binding ritual, and while Shane still had his demonic abilities, when Ryan died, so would Shane. He could also never return to where he had once been. For Ryan, Luciel explained that this was a small transformation for him as well. Ryan could no longer become possessed, as half of his soul was connected to Shane's. He could see the spirits that Shane could, and he would live for a very long time. However, eventually, he would die. Ryan smiled. It was fine with him to die, as long as he could live the rest of the time he got with Shane, he didn't care. How could he? When there was so much to look forward to? Luciel left soon after, returning to hell to do who knows what. Shane and Ryan stayed close. They became married three years later, after leaving Buzzfeed and creating a channel called The Watcher. They ended up adopting two kids, and raising them. The long outlived them, unsurprisingly. However, when death came for them, it came for them both, for death did not do them part. Instead, they were allowed to come to heaven, and Shane accepted as an angel with Ryan. They were loved, and were the living embodiment of love itself. So, I suppose this is a story- in the end- about how there is nothing in this world, or any other, that stops you from loving, and can ever truly take away the things that matter most, as long as they stay close to your heart. It's a story of trust, love, friendship, recovery, and acceptance that your parents can't define you, only teach you what to do, or what not to do.

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