I'm Sorry.

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Shane sat in the passenger, his leg bouncing and his eyes purposefully focused away from Ryan, as if that could stop him from thinking about his lover. He watched the fields and other cars on the interstate, but his mind registered none of it. Instead, all he saw were the numerous ways that this could go horribly wrong. This could make everything worse.
"Shane?" Ryan's voice snapped Shane back.
"Huh?" He turned.
"It will be fine." Ryan encouraged, but his fingers, which were white-knuckling the steering wheel, said otherwise.
"I'm just worried. Do you realize how much could go wrong?"
"Shane, the only thing I couldn't imagine is to lose you."
"Shane. It's my choice. I know you are worried, and I am touched, but I need to you to trust me."
"I do trust you."
There was a moment of silence, before Ryan spoke up, his voice far away.
"Tell me about Ricky."
"Tell me about him."
"Sometimes..." Ryan paused for a moment, as if nervous to say what came next. "Sometimes I can see some of his memories. And I see you two together. I also see his treatment of you. Are you two related or something?"
"Ryan. This isn't something I'm comfortable with."
"I-" Ryan sighed. "I understand, but I hope you know that nothing you say could make me not love you."
"I-" Shane paused, wondering what he could say to encourage himself and Ryan. He failed to think of anything.
"We can do this."


The drive had been quiet after that, and when the pair reached the church, even Ryan seemed eager to get out of the tense car atmosphere. Shane stood from the car, and stretched his long limbs, invisible extras excluded. Then he turned to look at the church. How long had it been since they were here last? Shane remembered what he had told Father Thomas. "He's mine. I won't let one thing injure him." Maybe that wasn't as true as he wanted it to be. The color still hadn't changed, but the cool air around the building made the whole place seem more sad. Ryan's finger slid into the spaces between Shane's hand, nestling down into a spot they felt comfortable.
"Here we go." Ryan said, then gently pulled Shane forward, and they walked towards the building. Every step felt like walking towards an execution to Shane. A walk of the condemned. Shane shook his head. This wasn't right. Ryan needed Shane to believe in him. Shane needed the belief too. Ryan pushed open the doors to the church, and the two were greeted by Luciel and Father Thomas. They both looked as grave as Shane felt.

"Hello. If you will follow me." The holy man said, skipping any formality.

"Right." Ryan said, and followed Thomas. Luciel grabbed Shane as the demon went to follow after Ryan.

"We must talk before."

#### Ryan's P.O.V. ####

Ryan followed the Holy man he looked up to with fear in his heart. Everything about him felt confused. Was he scared? Or was it his parasite?
What of this didn't work? His thoughts were jumbled, a confusing mass of thoughts that weren't his and others that he couldn't tell whose they were. Those scared him more. The way Shane talked about him- what little he did- it sounded like this guy was an asshole, so why couldn't Ryan figure out whose thoughts were pouring in his head? To say Ryan was panicking was like comparing toddler's drawing to the mona lisa. It didn't do the feelings justice at all. Ryan reached back for Shane's hand. It was his anchor in all of this. Shane made it easier to figure out who was who. Ryan's fingers reached to lace into Shane's, but only found air. Ryan reached back further before stopping and turning around completely. His anchor was still by the door, talking to Luciel. The unfamiliar demon leaned and said something to Shane, and the tall man's face paled. Ryan stopped, waiting impatiently, as Shane began to look cornered, and is Ryan was being honest, very scared. Suddenly, Shane balled his fists and swung at Luciel, aiming for his jaw. The demon pushes back, and Ryan ran over as Shane began to yell.
"Fuck you! You little piece of shit! You promised! You said-"
The tall man stopped, and looked at Ryan, and his eyes shifted to that of determination... and hopelessness.
"Ryan." He walked over, and Ryan latched his hand into Shane's, gripping because it felt like the only tether that mattered. He saved Shane and Shane save him. That was all there was.
"If that's done..." Father Thomas spoke, his voice a startling sound in the silence after Shane's outburst. "We have a ritual."
"Right, sorry magic man. Lead the way." Shane joked, then followed. Ryan studied his face, all of Shane's features. He wanted to ingrain all of him onto Ryan's mind so he would never forget the man he loved. He wasn't really paying attention as they walked down the halls, and into a room, and he only zoned back in when Shane had to let go of his grip on Ryan. They were in a dim room, the lights all off and replaced with candles and the light from behind blackout curtains. Father Thomas grabbed a book and a vile, and then looked at Ryan.
"Are you ready?"
"As I'll ever be."
"Very well." The father said, then began to chant in Latin. The words made Ryan sleepy, and his mind faded. He closed his eyes briefly, and when he opened them, he saw Shane wrestling with a gold figure, and bright circle-shaped hole that led down to what Ryan could only assume was Hell. Shane's wings flared angrily, and smoking poured from Shane's mouth. Their wings slammed against each other, gold on dark red. Hate shined in Shane's eyes, and Ryan couldn't see any eyes for hate in Ricky. Father Thomas looked scared, and to be honest, Ryan was too. Ryan felt so fuzzy, and he knew instantly that the figure was Ricky, and that Ryan had been MIA for more than a second. The next few things happened so fast, Ryan couldn't process. One: The figure flipped so he was on top of Shane, and the figure formed into a mimic of Ryan himself. Two: Shane growled and shoved the fake Ryan off him and into a wall. Three: Ricky climbed over, and grabbed Shane by the collar of his shirt.

Shane looked at Ryan with true tears in his eyes, the first Ryan had ever seen. "I love you, Ryan..."

"I'm sorry." And then they tumbled into the hole, and it closed with a pop.

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