《Chapter 1》🧡Bakusquad🧡

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3rd person perspective:

The bakusquad were sat in the common area on the UA dorms, they were on the sofa watching a movie together. Kaminari, sero and mina were sat togather where as bakugou and kirishima took the two chairs next to the sofa on each end. They were watching a movie that they thought looked quite interesting, jiro had decided she didn't want to come, so she wasn't there.

Sero: "Hey guys?"

The rest of the bakusquad look at him and nods indicating they were listening and bakugou even paused the film.

Sero: "Well I've been thinking. Do you guys wanna have a sleepover at some point? I mean.. we've not got a chance to spend some proper time with eachother, just us for a while.. so I thought maybe that's a good idea?"

Mina: "I'm down. But who's house?"

Kaminari: "Yeah me too."

Kirishima: "Sure bro."

Bakugou: "I guess that's fine."

Sero: "Well we haven't been to kirishima's or bakugou's ever... maybe one of them will let us?"

Kirishima looked at them and so did bakugou.

Kirishima: "I... maybe mine's not the best idea.."

Bakugou: "Fine. My place it is."

The rest of the bakusquad: "Wait really? Aww thanks bakubro."

Bakugou: "Yeah, yeah alright."

Time skip to the weekend at the sleepover:

The bakusquad walked out of class together and head to bakugou's with him, it was a fairly long walk but no one was complaining. They were followed almost the entire way by midoriya, who turned to go in his house a few doors before they got to bakugou's house.

Kaminari: "So midoriya lives near you?"

Bakugou: "Unfortunately. Now. Warning. My house is definitely not quiet."

Mina: "I can imagine."

The bakusquad nodded and then followed bakugou to the door, he opened it and stepped inside. It looked just like a normal house, just furniture and pictures and things. Bakugou let them in and shut the door. But one thing was a bit weird, there was no one there. No one was home, not even his mum or dad. But then they heard a few creaks coming from the livingroom.

Bakugou: "Who's there?"

Toga emerges from the shadows.

Bakugou: "Jesus christ you scared me then. Don't do that."

The whole bakusquad's eyes widened.

Kirishima: "Hey.. bakubro... that's toga.."

Toga: "He knows that. Kirishima right? The red haired kid. I remember you."

Bakugou turned to them.

Bakugou: "Don't worry. This is my sister. She's annoying as hell, but she'll leave us alone."

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