《Chapter 6》❤Wow..ok❤

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Bakugou: "Well... ok then.. since we've done this now.. how about we just continue the game..?"

Kaminari: "Yeah alright!"

Kirishima: "Sounds like a plan."

Shinsou: "Mhm."

Mina: "Yeah."

Sero: "Yeah sure."

Todoroki: "Yeah alright."

They all take their seats again and sit in a bit more of a circle shape then last time, but still not quite, more like an oval in fact.

Mina: "Who's turn is it?"

Sero: "Kiri's"

Kirishima: "Alright.. truth or dare.. denki?"

Kaminari: "Truth."

Kirishima: "Well... you said that.. did.. he do anything else..?"

Kaminari then looks down slightly "Uh... not really.. just.. what I told you.."

Kirishima: "...alright.. your go then.."

Everyone apart from kirishima and denki looked very confused to what they're talking about, but were quite concerned given the fact they were talking about.. that.

Kaminari: "Alright.. well... then.. bakugou.. truth or dare?"

Bakugou: "Uh.. truth."

Kaminari: "What is it that makes you scared of your father..? I mean.. you don't appear to be scared of your mother.. and she obviously hits you.."

Bakugou: "........he.. killed my older sister in front of me.. toga wasn't there.."

Everyone's eyes widen at this and they all stared at him in shock.. none of them expected that answer.

Bakugou: "...anyway.... truth or dare.. icy-hot.."

Todoroki: "...I don't like these questions.. but truth.."

Bakugou: "...who's worse.. your mother.. or father..?"

Kaminari: "But didn't he already say his mother burned his face..? His father's the number one hero for christ sakes."

Todoroki: "..my father is worse.. a lot.. worse.."

Everyone's eyes widen again.

Kirishima: "What... the number one hero..?....oh... wow..."

Todoroki: "That man.. is no hero.."

They all just nod in response.

Todoroki: "Ok.... shinsou.. truth or dare..?"

Shinsou: "Truth..."

Todoroki: "I'm curious now.. why were you put in an orphanage..?"

Shinsou: "Oh.... that's.... uh.. I was mentally, physically and.. sexually abused by both my mother and father.. they.. uh... went a bit too far and the police found out.. mostly because I ended up in the hospital... but... then.. uh.. they put me in an orphanage... so.. yeah.."

Bakugou: "Holy shit eye bags... jesus.."

Todoroki: "Oh... sorry for asking.."

Shinsou: "Mhm.. it's fine... uh.. truth or dare.... uh... bakugou."

Bakugou: "Me again? Uh.. dare.."

Shinsou: "Well I know how much kirishima likes hugs. So hug kirishima."

Bakugou shrugs and puts his arms around kirishima hugging him.

Bakugou: "Alright.. truth or dare.. kaminari.."

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