《Chapter 16》❤hope❤

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Kirishima's pov:

I take todoroki to a spare room with our masks on. When we go inside we take them off and sit down silently, but not an awkward silence, it was actually quite calming.

Kirishima: "Well at least now I've got a hospital buddy?"

Todoroki gives a small smile in response along with a nod.

Todoroki: "How do you even deal with all the medications and things..?"

Kirishima: "...to be honest.. not really used to them quite yet... but I manage I guess.. just... sucks really.. I mean it's not gonna be great.. but we'll get through it, yeah?"

Todoroki smiles and nods again "Thanks you."

I smile "No problem. Come to me if you need anything, ok?"

He looks at me and nods, still smiling "Ok."

Kirishima: "Also... did.. your dad really change..?"

Todoroki: "...you won't tell..?"

Kirishima: "..not if you're ok.."

Todoroki: "Ok... well he has a little... but not much... so I guess.. in a way.. he has.. but.. that's mostly towards my siblings... instead of insulting them he just plain ignores them... kinda wish he'd ignore me.."

I look at him and nod then wrap my arms around him "Does midoriya know... or anyone..?"

Todoroki: "...No... I haven't told anyone... just you.."

Kirishima: "Ok then... I won't bring it up... but let me know if something happens.... yeah?"

Todoroki: "Ok.."

Todoroki slowly hugs me back and we stay like that for a little, before we let go and look over to see bakugou and midoriya in the doorway.

Midoriya smiles and says: "We didn't want to disturb so we stayed out here."

Kirishima: "No that's alright. You can come in if you want."

The two walks in and sit down. Bakugou puts his arms around me and I sit there for a bit before turning to him "What's up?"

Bakugou: "You need to take your medicine now."

Kirishima: "Did they get some in or do I have to go to the dorms again?"

Bakugou: "No your mum brought some in. Todoroki you best do the same fuyumi brought some in for you."

Todoroki: "Alright.."

Midoriya smiles a little and takes todoroki's hand and stands up with him "Alright come on then... let's just get this over with.."

Kirishima: "Have you taken any before?"

I say as me and bakugou stand up.

Todoroki: "No... this'll be the first lot.."

Kirishima: "Ok... well then I'll warn you it does make you feel a little nauseous.."

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