《Chapter 17》🧡soft baku🧡

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Bakugou: "I guess.."

Shinsou: "Nice. Now we know everyone's backstory."

Mina: "Yeah! And we can help you with that baku! No problem!"

Kaminari: "Count me in!"

Kirishima: "I don't know. I like you the way you are. I mean I wouldn't have liked you if you were any different because it wouldn't be who you are. I can help you, but don't change too much, ok?"

Bakugou smiles at me and nods.

The whole group look at me as if I had just said something beautiful, I look at them a little confused "What..?"

Sero: "That was so.."

Mina: "Cute."

Kaminari: "You guys are adorable I can't. My heart can't take this."

Kirishima: "Does that mean you'll smile more.. and not just at me?"

Bakugou: "No. I hate my smile. You know that. It doesn't look right."

I frown "Yes it does."

Bakugou notices my frown and he sighs "If you're gonna get yourself so worked up over it I guess I can try."

I smile at him brightly "Yay!"

Mina looks at us and then she takes sero's hand and puts her head on his should to which he visibly blushes but doesn't seem to care. Kaminari and shinsou move closer a little and appear to be holding hands under the table.

Kirishima: "Well if one of us were single this would feel very weird for them."

Mina: "True."

They all sit up when they hear someone start sneezing a lot. Bakugou puts a mask straight on me and himself as the rest of the group do the same. Luckily, while we were talking we all managed to eat our lunch, so we decided just to go outside until lunch was over. We all got up and put our food in the bin or wherever it needed to go and head out to a tree we liked to go to. It was quite sheltered and no one really went there apart from us, midoriya and todoroki sometimes as well.

We all sat down in a circle, bakugou was lead in my lap, mina was leaning back on sero and kaminari was sat in shinsou's lap while shinsou held him there. We all talk about some random things but none of us removed our masks.

Mina: "So kirishima?"

Kirishima: "Mhm?"

Mina: "How's ellie doing?"

Kirishima: "She's alright actually. She's with my mums at the moment."

Mina: "Oh that's right."

Kaminari: "Their wedding's coming up soon isn't it?"

Kirishima: "Yeah. Remember it's at 6pm. Don't be late. Are you taking shinsou?"

Kaminari: "Planning on it, yeah."

Shinsou just nods to this.

Kirishima: "That'll be nice."

Mina: "Yeah let us know how it was when you get back ok?"

Sero: "Yeah. True that I wanna know."

Kirishima: "Alright will do."

Bakugou: "Aren't they having it at that pretty garden we went to?"

Kirishima: "That's the one."

Bakugou: "Alright. It'll be nice to see it."

Kirishima: "That's true it's really pretty around there."

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