《Chapter 4》❤what?❤

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Bakugou: "What's so cute?"

Kaminari: "Kirishima with a baby. Like omg it's adorable. When you grow up.. do you think you'll be a parent?"

Kirishima: "I.. don't know maybe.."

Bakugou: "Something wrong?"

Kirishima: "No.. I'm fine. Why?"

Bakugou: "Don't know shitty hair."

Kaminari: "Can we carry on truth or dare now please?"

They all agree to this and they sit in a roughly circle. Emily just watches from a chair with a snack that she brought with her.

Kirishima: "Ok who's starting?"

Dabi: "I can."

Kirishima: "Ok. Go on."

Dabi: "Ok. Kirishima. Truth or dare?"

Kirishima: "Oh. Truth."

Dabi: "Is this why you're having trouble at school? I've heard about it."

Kirishima: "Kind of.. it's a little hard to get sleep."

Emily: "No kidding."

Kirishima nods and smiles.

Kirishima: "Well then. Kaminari. Truth or dare?"

Kaminari: "Ooh. Truth."

Kirishima: "Ok. Do you have any siblings?"

Kaminari: "Not anymore... but nevermind.. truth or dare bakugou?"

Bakugou: "Truth."

Kaminari: "Ok. We've all been wanting to ask this probably. But how long has that been going on?"

Bakugou: "Uh.... hmm.... since I was born..."

Kaminari: "Oh... sorry to hear that.."

Bakugou: "Mhm.... well anyway.. truth or dare raccoon eyes."

Mina: "Hmm... truth."

Bakugou: "You like anyone?"

Mina blushes a little and nods.

Bakugou: "Interesting."

Mina: "Well ok then.... uh... kirishima.. truth or dare?"

Kirishima: "Uh... truth?"

Mina: "Is it true you're gay?"

Kirishima smiles and nods "mhm."

Kirishima: "Ok then bakubro. Truth or dare?"

Bakugou: "Truth."

Kirishima: "Are you gay?"

Bakugou nods. "Mhm."

Bakugou: "Ok. Icy-hot. Truth or dare?"

Todoroki: "Truth.."

Bakugou: "Alright. What about you? You gay?"

Todoroki: "Yep."

Dabi: "Must run in the family."

Todoroki looks at dabi and nods before turning to everyone and looking around.

Todoroki: "Sero. Truth or dare?"

Sero: "Truth."

Todoroki: "Well there's been a rumour you have a crush within the bakusquad. Is this true?"

Sero blushes and nods "Yeah.."

Sero: "Ok.... Bakugou. Truth or dare?"

Bakugou: "I'm starting to feel targetted... but dare because we need to spice this up a little."

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