《Chapter 8》❤Interesting..?❤

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Aizawa: "What is that supposed to mean?"

Shigaraki: "Nothing. I just expected hero kids.. to have a good life. That's all."

Dabi scoffs "uh-huh. You really thought that? You're not very observant are you?"

Shigaraki: "I'm not an idiot. I know enough to know that you have some sort of connection to the half and half kid. And that bakugou's life obviously isn't great. Not to mention the half and half kid. Endeavour's son I believe, there's something obviously going on with him. Doesn't have any emotions I'm telling you. Not even fear. But red head and Pikachu. I didn't expect that."

Dabi's eyes widen and he turns back to bakugou and kirishima.

Hawks: "Ooh. He's onto you dabi."

Toga: "Oh quit it for christ sakes!"

Bakugou groans and looks up to see toga.

Bakugou: "Woah god.. don't fucking scare me like that."

Toga: "Bakugou! For christ sakes don't you dare fucking die on me!"

Bakugou: "Die? I ain't no weakling."

Dabi: "Bakugou. Careful what you say alright?"

Bakugou looks over and sees hawks and shigaraki then nods in response.

Aizawa: "Ok.. what I'm getting from this. Is shigaraki is clueless to your connections but is slowly getting there. I didn't even realise there was one until I was told and bakugou knows both toga and dabi."

Dabi rolls his eyes.

They all hear a knock at the door and this makes aizawa go and answer it to see fuyumi and natsuo holding todoroki.

Aizawa: "Omg.... come in quickly... how'd you know we were hear?"

Fuyumi: "Long story. No time. Who's here?"

Natsuo: "Nevermind that. In now."

Natsuo runs in carrying an injured todoroki and puts him onto the couch.

Natsuo: "This is why I told him to stop sneaking out.."

Fuyumi: "Yeah but if he didn't he wouldn't go anywhere."

Kaminari: "...holy shit.."

Sero: "God.. he wasn't kidding when he said it was bad jeez.."

Mina: "Nope..."

Shinsou: "Holy fucking christ.."

Aizawa: "Oi. Language."

Shinsou: "Fine. Fine."

Mic walks into the livingroom after he noticed aizawa not coming back and hawks followed behind him. They both freeze at the site and they both look back at the villains.

Dabi: "What? What's with that look? Who was it? A pro hero? Am I gonna get arrested or something? Seriously what is it?"

Fuyumi: "Who is that?"

Fuyumi then goes to where hawks and mic where standing and sees the tall black haired male with scars.

Fuyumi: "Who the hell is that? And why would they be arrested.. wait.. are they a villain?"

Aizawa looks at mic and hawks and hawks shakes his head.

Hawks: "Yumi.. not right now.. what happened?"

Fuyumi: "Uh.. well.."

Dabi's eyes widen and he looks at toga and his boss.

Dabi: "Fuck it. What the fuck happened and why are they here?"

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