《Chapter 11》🧡shitty hair!🧡

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Bakugou: "Alright no more let go."

Kirishima giggles and let's go.

Kirishima: "So.. there's someone with ellie right now. But do you want to come and check on emily with me?"

Bakugou: "The big one? Sure."

Kirishima smiles and grabs his hand before pulling him to Emily's room. They walk inside to see her awake doing her homework as instructed. Emily looks up at them and smiles.

Emily: "Eijiro? Can you help with this one? Please?"

Kirishima giggles a little and goes over to her, letting go of bakugou's hand. Bakugou soon follows and closes the door.

Emily: "Algebra is hard.."

Kirishima: "Tell me about it. Well.. you take this and *explains everything to her*"

Bakugou: "I'm surprised you know that shitty hair."

Kirishima: "Oh shush."

Emily: "Bakugou! That's your name isn't it?"

Bakugou: "Hmm? Yeah why?"

Emily: "You called him shitty hair. I remember you. You kissed my brother."

Kirishima: "You're not going to stop saying that are you..?"

Emily: "Nope!"

Kirishima: "I see..."

They then hear a knock at the door and kirishima goes to it and opens it. He sees his mother stood in the doorway with another woman who he didn't know.

Kirishima: "Uh.. mum? What's going on?"

Kiri's mum: "...can I come in? Where's your sister?"

Kirishima moves out of the way "She's in her room. But who is that?"

Kiri's mum: "I'll explain later ok hunny?"

Kirishima nods and his mother goes to Emily's room and finds bakugou there.

Aizawa: "Kirishima? I do have a question now.."

Kirishima closes the door and looks at him "hmm?"

Aizawa: "Your hair.. it's naturally black.. isn't it?"

Mina: "Aizawa sensei.. sensitive subject.."

Kirishima: "Yes.. it is.."

Natsuo: "That's weirdly ironic. Your hair went from black to red and dabi's from red to black."

Kirishima: "That is a bit weird I guess. Happy coincidence?"

Dabi: "Mhm.. guess so."

Bakugou walks into the room.

Bakugou: "Shitty hair? Emily wants you."

Kirishima: "Oh tell her I'm coming."

Bakugou nods and walks back to her room.

Mina: "Ah thank god for that."

Kaminari: "And everything's back to normal."

Sero: "Thank the lord."

Kirishima: "I wouldn't say normal but ok.."

Kirishima then walks off to Emily's room. When he gets there, his mum and the other lady are sat on some chairs.and Emily and bakugou are on her bed. Bakugou is surprisingly good with kids and is helping her with her homework. He walks in and sits down, closing the door behind him.

Kirishima: "So.. what's going on?"

Kiri's mum: "Eijiro?"

Kirishima: "Mhm?"

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