《Chapter 5》🧡Oh god..🧡

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Kirishima: "Ok well.. how long are you staying?"

Kiri's mum: "Not too long. Just a bit alright?"

Kirishima nods and smiles "Alright."

He then turns to kaminari and shinsou and gives them a look as if to say sorry.

Mina: "Well.. uh.. ok then.. truth or dare... todoroki?"

Todoroki: "Uh.. truth?"

Mina: "So.. did you always want to be a hero?"

Todoroki: "Well.. sometimes I doubted it but overall yeah. I did."

Mina: "That's alright I'm sure everyone has doubted it at least once or twice. Even bakugou."

Bakugou: "It's true. I have. I know I have."

Kaminari: "Yeah. Definitely."

Shinsou: "Mhm."

Sero: "That's true."

Kirishima: "Yeah don't worry about it."

Todoroki: "Ok well then.. truth or dare... kaminari."

Kaminari: "Oh truth."

Todoroki: "Well with your crush. How long have you had feelings for them?"

Kaminari: "uh... since... I got to be their friend I guess that's when I started realising it."

Shinsou held back a smile and kirishima just silently thanked them for being so vague.

Kirishima: "Oh todoroki. Have they texted back yet?"

Todoroki picks up his phone and looks at it then looks a little closer.

Todoroki: "Oh. They have."

The attention quickly shifts to todoroki.

Shinsou: "So what did they say?"

Todoroki: "Uh... they just put 'did you send this to the wrong person todoroki-kun?' And that's it."

Shinsou: "Well then. Say you didn't. I want an actual reply."

Kirishima: "True that. It'll be interesting."

Todoroki: "Alright fine.. jesus the things you make me do."

Todoroki texted midoriya and showed them for proof, still covering the last conversation they had for privacy reasons and all. Then he put it back by his side.

Kaminari: "Alright. My turn. Kirishima. Truth or dare?"

Kirishima: "Uh.. truth."

Kaminari: "Alright bro. So.. when did you decide you wanted to be a hero?"

Kirishima: "Ah. Uh when I first saw a hero on the news.. so around 4 5 sort of age."

Kaminari: "Fair enough bro."

Kirishima: "Mhm. Truth or dare... mina."

Mina: "Oh truth."

Kirishima: "So when did you start liking sero hmm?"

Mina giggles a little and says: "Uh... probably a few months ago."

Bakugou: "That long? Wow raccoon eyes. Didn't know you had it in you to keep a secret that long. Good for you I guess."

Kiri's mum: "Does he call everyone by nicknames?"

Kirishima: "Oh yeah that's just part of who he is."

Kiri's mum: "Good to know.... well I'll take my leave now.. have fun with whatever you're doing."

Kirishima smiles and waves at her as he gets up and closes the door after her. He let's out a sigh and heads back to sit down.

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