《Chapter 13》🧡Back to the future🧡

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Kirishima's pov:

Hi. My name's eijiro kirishima, what you have just seen, that was how me and my boyfriend katsuki bakugou got together. This is present day.

I'm walking through the street with bakugou, he seems quite happy today, that's good. My mums have invited us over and we're heading to the shop to get them both some flowers. Me and kat (bakugou) have been together for a year now. We're 16. Todoroki and midoriya got together on todoroki's 16th birthday funnily enough, they're the newest couple to class 1-A. Even though everyone already shipped them before they started dating. Mina and sero are also together still as well as kaminari and shinsou. Kaminari and shinsou even adopted a cat together.

Bakugou: "So ei... what kind of flowers do they like?"

I look at him and smile "Anything's fine. But they like the colour purple, if you can find any that would be great."

Bakugou: "Sure. Come on I know a good flower shop."

He takes my hand a little tighter and pulls me to a flower shop, it's small and looks new, but he was right, the flowers they have are so beautiful. My eyes lit up at the sight.

Bakugou: "You like it here then?"

Kirishima: "It's amazing kat. When did you find it?"

Bakugou: "I didn't. Surprisingly todoroki knows a lot about this stuff. He recommended it to me."

Kirishima: "I'm glad you stopped the nicknames... at least with todoroki anyway.. I know you and midoriya both prefer the nicknames so I won't say anything about that."

Bakugou then smiles and pulls me closer.

Bakugou: "Sure ei.."

We find some pretty purple and white flowers, we pay for them and go to my parent's house. Once there we knock on the door, it opens to reveal one of my mums (beth) smiling and inviting us in.

Beth: "I'm glad you could make it you two. It's nice to see you."

Bakugou: "You too."

Kirishima: "Yeah nice to see you again."

Beth: "Ok. I'll go get Sara (kirishima's mum) , just hold on a second."

Kiri's mum walks in with beth.

Kiri's mum: "Hello you two."

Kirishima: "Hi mum."

Bakugou: "Hello mrs.kirishima."

We pass them both the flowers and we all sit down on the sofa.

Kiri's mum: "How's ellie doing?"

Kirishima: "She's sleeping a lot better. Todoroki and midoriya asked to have her for today, since they are going to a theme park."

Bakugou: "She loves the little tea cup ride and things like that. They'll have fun there I'm sure."

Beth and kirishima's mum: "It sounds nice. Those boys really are an adorable couple aren't they?"

Kirishima: "I know.. they really should have gotten together sooner."

Bakugou: "Definitely. Deku and todoroki are pretty adorable together."

They all agree and keep on talking for a while before they have food, talk some more and eventually leave the house. Then kirishima gets a call.

(Anything in bold is on the phone)

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